[FDP] - The Unfortunate Case of Widdows9000

Day 729, 16:52 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Free Democratic Party HQ

Ladies and Gentlemen of the UK

This article comes to you directly from Arthur Wellesley, Free Democratic Party leader. Today is a tough day for all of us. One of our own, Widdows, has taken it upon himself to commit high theft of government property and hold the government ransom. Whereas there is considerable support for some of the demands that he has made, that is not the point. The point is, this is not the sort of behaviour that any respectable political party will countenance, and the FDP is no different.

As of this moment, the FDP officially condemns the actions of Widdows9000, and we would like to point out that his actions in no way reflect upon the FDP membership, nor does the FDP condone or empathize with what he has done. We support the decision of the Government to refuse to negotiate, and we seek the cooperation of other countries in helping us reclaim what is ours.

Widdows has placed us in a very awkward position. He has largely emasculated our military for the time being, but it is my understanding that the new leadership is attempting to repair the damage done.

Whereas the FDP does have considerable grievances with the current government, the method for political disagreement and debate should be a constructive one, and one ultimately expressed through the ballot box. Our very own Craig Rossiter is currently the new Commanding Officer of the Special Forces, and we encourage him and the rest of the government as they seek to right our listing vessel.

Thank you.
I am, etc.
Arthur Wellesley