[FDP] That Traitor IndieKid

Day 689, 12:00 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

The evil socialists who make up the government have been levelling these accusations at the honourable right wing opposition. TUP members, led by such individuals as Iain Keers and Karaticus, have long since asserted the existence of a vast right-wing conspiracy in a manner which has made many raise their eyebrows and suspect, at the very least, paranoia.

The plan? To subvert the democratically elected democracy through underhanded selection of Lords intended to prevent those Brave Citizens who are loyal and active to the noble right wing cause from preventing the dissolution of the House of Commons, and starting wars with both our enemies and unbelievably with our very own allies the Irish! He talks of spending lots of gold on himself and the UK elite which is incredibly inefficient and has never been used by right wing generals. . I quote, directly, the mighty Indiekid speaking in the dubious IRC channel known as #uk-left:

IndieKi😛I'm trying to get elected as eUK president
IndieKi😛 my term would be lulz
GokuJones: xD
IndieKi😛I would start wars with ireland and america
IndieKi😛then jsut tank the s*** out of me and the SAS
IndieKi😛then get a Q5 hospital in Y&H

And Later....

GokuJones: ban everyone who you dislike from IRC and forums
IndieKi😛 hmm
IndieKi😛oh shi-
GokuJones: btw I have screenshotted this, you will be ruined for plotting to bring down the eUK! THIS IS SUPER SERIAL!

BRITONS, is this the sort of individual you want in your society? Is this suitable conduct for an ordinary citizen ? Is this the sort of attitude you want to trust in your party leadership? The FREE DOUGHNUTS PARTY thinks not, and we encourage you to support the democratic process, self-determination, the free market, and honest representation! Contact your local MPs, members of the Cabinet, and your new Prime Minister and inform them that you will not stand for this!

http://www2.erepublik.com/en/article/-fdp-that-traitor-keers-974525/1/20 More info on traitors