[FDP] - T. Morgan!

Day 747, 04:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Free Democratic Party HQ

The FDP, what does it mean?

The Free Democratic Party is a party committed to efficient government, effective government, and energetic government. We operate along the lines of a state that is as large and involved as is necessary, but as small and disinterested as possible.

Today I would like to discuss it meaning something different, the Friendly Democratic Party. Yes, this is incredibly cheesy, but it's true.

The Friendly Democratic Party

When I started eRepublik I wasn't sure what to do, where I stood. I thought to make any difference, to have people listen to me, I would have to be around level 18. This seems a long, long way away when you are logging in daily only to see your experience rise by 3 a day, waiting to hit that elusive level 5 so I could battle.

So, now I could battle, I was able to level up nice and quickly, gaining experience, but still just a nameless face in the crowd.

When I saw the FDP begin, I saw it as a place I could join, help rise through the ranks and get a place in the UK. I joined in game and wondered how else I could help. I was already on the forums, so I asked for access to the FDP forums, and got a nice welcome. On the forums they had an IRC topic, welcoming all into it, I use IRC anyway, so I joined.

When I got in I remember being welcomed by Gulliver, Aelar and Arthur quickly, over time others came in and welcomed me as well. Here I was, rubbing shoulders with the experienced players of the UK, they knew how things were ran. I remember roadrunnerspeed welcoming me and sending me some Q5 food as well. All the calls of 'Elitist Cabal' were wrong, these guys were nice and friendly. I was quickly allowed to help with the party, mailing new players, suggesting ideas and taking part in the CAP. I have seen this comradely shown to other players as well, the party really is friendly.

Community Action Program

Recently my loyal service to the party has been rewarded, I noted to Scipio that I wanted to be more active in the eRepublik world, and when we wanted to appoint someone permanent runner of our CAP Scipio said he'd let me run it, and he would help me. This really is a party of opportunities.

I say to you, if you want to become more active in eRepublik, if you want a great community that will always help you and has huge, obtainable ambitions, join the Free/Friendly Democratic Party today.

Tom Morgan

Commodore of the Royal Navy.
Free Democratic Party CAP Director.
