[FDP] - So we have some electing do get done

Day 704, 03:14 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Free Democratic Party HQ

FDP candidates will be standing under the banner of the UKRP, who's continued support we are thankful for.

Every 25th of the month we choose our congressional candidates. It's not an easy job. Many so called "sheep" simply vote for whoever is running in their region from their party. While this is a very loyal thing to do, I think all parties will agree that because game mechanics allows anyone to run whether actually in a party or not (and by that I mean on forums, active etc), so called sheep voting is not universally the right thing to do.

Although there are many good candidates from across the parties, I do encourage all of you to look at the whole field and make your choice accordingly.

FDP Candidates!

What our candidates stand for

We know that the most important aspect of erepublik is the community and it is in the interests of that community that the FDP works and for which its candidates stand.

"If you elect an FDP representative, you can count on having MPs that care about what you think and seek to represent the interests of their constituency, not just their own political goals"

Party politics far far too often gets in the way of the fact that this a game and people need to enjoy it. This is a fact that is not lost on us and we, and our candidates, will be sure to reflect it in the work they do for you. This is the dominant domestic role which the FDP and its candidates stand for: inform, educate, support, involve and have fun.

Economically we want to achieve a situation whereby the government has minimal involvement in the markets. An important aspect of erepublik is that it emulates real life very poorly and so real life solutions or economic theory has little place within very limited game mechanics.

"The FDP will seek cuts in taxes wherever possible, and will seek to eliminate as much government waste and spending as possible. It will be a goal of the FDP to find new ways to ensure that our military receives all supplies needed, while finding new ways to eliminate costs in doing so..we've tried to ride the line between control and non-controlled for months, with little success"

Foreign affairs is enormously important. The nature of both the game and community we have created with its vast history is complex and we need people who are able to tackle the issues face on. We are members of an alliance and appreciate the hugely positive impact PEACE has had on the eUK. Maintaining and expanding that relationship is the only way we can develop and grow. But we also know that our alliance does not close us off from relations with other countries and are eager to work together with any nation that is willing.

Please follow this link to read our whole party manifesto.

You can also find our constitution here

Join us!

Finally a quick message asking you to join us. You can from the above and from our constitution and manifesto see what we stand for. But equally importantly we are a welcoming, friendly and active party that wants you to join in.

Remember to also join on the forums and IRC

Many thanks and remember to vote 🙂