[FDP] - Peace and Love, baby

Day 698, 15:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Free Democratic Party HQ

.. while you read, have a listen to this ..


Parties are not just about politics! Oh no my friends. Parties are so much more.

The community is the key factor of eRepublik. It is the only thing that makes the game worth while. There are hundreds of better games out there that act as a political and military simulator. But our community is the glue that holds this whole show together.

For a citizen the place to find that community is on the forums and in a party such as the FDP.

How much love?

1, 2, 3, quite a bit, A LOT!

What we can do for you is firstly provide that community feel. The forums can be a daunting place, the eUK can be a daunting place. So much to learn, so much to read and remember. Believe me, from within a party you can feel more secure, more confident, you can really help yourself in joining us.

But it is not about us. This is about you! There are so many of us uber-willing to help you, point you in the right direction, provide you with advice and even opportunities to improve your experience that could help with your long term career, provide you with information, take the time to explain some of the more confusing aspects of the game and eUK.

We can provide you with an excellent place to start, an excellent community, we can provide you with a family.

The FDP is a perfect place for you to begin. Why is it a perfect place to start mister scipio? Well Timmy, it is because we need you!

As a young party that is making its way up in the world, we need more members to fill our ranks so we can better work for the people as a whole, so we can better work for the UK. Really, we do need your help 🙂

But most importantly, we are here to help you! With a number of experienced players in the FDP, we are a dedicated to educating, informing and helping in any way we can to both new and older citizens.

Getting started is not easy, so we will do all we can to help you! Please please please send me a message asking anything you like about the FDP, eUK or eRepublik and I shall do my best to answer.

So, join us, work with us and enjoy your time as an eUK citizen.

Many thanks and I hope to see you soon 🙂