[FDP] - Parties

Day 717, 13:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Free Democratic Party HQ

Congratulations to Mr Woldy on another victory. The FDP wishes him success in the coming month. A month that the admins have deemed a good time to introduce major changes/trouble. This is a time more than any other that will we need to focus and unite against potential difficulties.

But that is for the weeks ahead. In the meantime, the FDP has work to do!

At level 7 you get to join a party \o/

Why would you join a party?

Well, if you ever want to make a political name for yourself (join congress, become a minister, become Prime Minister), this is a sure fire way to achieve that. Not only that, the forums can be a daunting place as well relatively lonely. Join a party and you're joining a family! A FAMILY!!

Why the FDP?

Well that's the tough part! But think about it like this. There are some that are already very well established with a menagerie of hard working members. Joining a smaller party .. say the FDP .. and your contribution will be appreciated so much more for not being drowned out 😃

We need as many people to join to make their mark on the party so we together can make our country better.

We need as many dedicated citizens as we can gather to help us. But this is not just a one way deal! In return we provide you with that springboard into eUK public life. We're also full heartedly dedicated in helping young citizens make as good a start as they can in life with our Community Action Program.

See future releases for more serious articles 🙂

So join us

Many thanks 🙂