[FDP] - Merry Christmas! Oh, and, elections

Day 765, 12:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Free Democratic Party HQ

It has been an interesting year. The Year of Our Lord, 2009, is almost over and that most splendid of holidays, Christmas, is upon us. I, acting in my capacity as Free Democratic Party leader, want to extend my warm greetings to all of you -- FDP and otherwise -- and wish you all a Merry Christmas.

Perhaps we should all take a moment to consider that, though this is a game, it is a game that represents wide interests and representatives from many, many cultures. We too often allow real life prejudices and resentments to seep through our keyboards and colour our interactions within the game. Age old rivalries and resentments turn into insults, trolling, and underhanded warfare within eRepublik, and we justify it all as just 'being a game'.

Well, to an extent that is true. However, it is almost Christmas, and I would just like to encourage everyone to take the day -- elections or not -- and try and be as warm and friendly to everyone as possible. It would be nice to just have a lot of people, involved in a common community, being examples of good nature and good cheer to people that they've never even met before in real life. I consider many of you friends, actual friends, and I wish you the best.

That being said, tomorrow IS the 25th, and you know what that means! Yes, General Election day. The FDP is partnered with our friends in the RFA and UKRP yet again, and we'll be fielding a small slate of friendly, free, and democratic candidates as your prospective MPs. I encourage all of you to vote for them. 😃

Also, what does Arthur want for Christmas? He wants the FDP to become a Top 5 party, so tell your friends, tell your neighbors, tell your enemies, and tell the swamp rats about the Free Democratic Party.

A Merry Christmas to all of you, all of you in the new, new world.
-Arthur Wellesley, eDuke of Wellington