[FDP] - L'etat n'est pas moi

Day 710, 19:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Free Democratic Party HQ

The past few days and weeks have been exciting for the Free Democratic Party. Following considerable debate on the upcoming Prime Ministerial elections, we eventually voted on those nominees that wished to stand and decided on Aelar as our candidate.

However, circumstances change. With the emergence of Altmer Vampire as a candidate, Aelar has placed the country before his party and has resigned his own candidacy, believing that the interests of the country are better served supporting Altmer Vampire. The FDP fully supports this decision.

We have enormous faith in Aelar, proved by two successful votes in continuing to support him as our candidate. We retain that faith now and for the future and have no doubts that we will see him succeed to the highest rung of the political ladder.

For the UK

There is a greater picture, a greater value to which we must hold true and greater question: what is best for the UK?

All parties, all citizens, must be pragmatic and realistic if they are to achieve their goals. The goals of the FDP are many and we wish to ensure that we make the best decisions we can if we are to achieve those goals for both our members and the public as a whole.

With the firmly held belief that the UK should always take precedence over any party, we have decided not to replace Aelar with another candidate but instead to support Altmer Vampire in his bid for Prime Minister. To make this decision we had to make sure that our concerns and considerations were genuine and that are priorities were true.


The RFA, UKRP and FDP have in the past joined together and we now do so again. If we are to remain successful and so fulfill the goals we believe will create a stronger UK, we must unite and we must win. We have an undaunted faith in what we can now achieve together.

We look forward to an exciting election.