[FDP] In Response to Recent BEP Statements

Day 828, 00:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Free Democratic Party HQ
Good day fellow citizens of the eUK. It has come to the FDP's attention that once again a particular political party is irresponsibly claiming a special relationship to the military, namely the British Empire Party. They've recently released this article claiming as much. This is not the first time something like this has happened; however, most previous instances have been due to poor choice of words and these statements have been quickly retracted.

Not the BEP however. They're serious- SUPER SERIOUS. (and also completely wrong)

Caps lock: cruise control for cool

To quote the BEP: "MILITARY & POLITICS SHOULD GO HAND-IN-HAND... We are the only top 5 party committed to being the voice of the military." Even better, their leader Lemuel Gengulfus claims not to be a politician, in spite of his three terms in Congress. What Lemuel doesn't tell you is that most of the eUK's leadership spent months in the military before running for any sort of political office. These so-called "corrupt" politicians are more in touch with the average soldier than he's ever been. For example, our own Party President works in an official Government weapons company since he can't go on missions with the Paras anymore. Indiekid and Iain Keers, presidents of the RFA and TUP respectively also both work in gun companies run by the Military. Where does Lemuel Gengulfus work? His own weapons company.

One of these things is not like the other...

What other proof do we have? The BEP has gone on to publish their plan for reforming the military. As can be expected, any attempt to "reform" the military that doesn't come from within the military itself is generally a bad idea, and the BEP's plan is no exception. Their plan to set up territorial armies goes completely against our longstanding Fortress London plan, crafted by our nation's greatest military minds. By spreading ourselves too thin, we become much too easy to conquer, but if we concentrate in one region, such as London, that region becomes nearly impossible to conquer due to how the game mechanics work. If you need proof that Fortress London works, look no farther than the recent war with the Yankees, where we were able to successfully turn the tide at London and force EDEN into a ceasefire restoring our territory. Despite his claims not to be a politician, Lemuel makes the classic politician's mistake of attempting to legislate something he doesn't fully understand.

Moreover, Lemuel suggests that the chain of command should be determined by someone's ingame rank. That's good and all, except most people in the military are already ingame Generals or Colonels. If everyone is now the same rank, who will give orders? The current rank system was NOT developed by politicians as has been claimed, but by career military men who realized that a system like Lemuel's would quickly lead to Chaos.

The BEP apparently likes to make contradictory arguments that "corrupt politicians" have too much influence on the military while simultaneously not being involved enough. The fact of the matter is that we keep the two separate institutionally, though most of our politicians are great supporters of the military (and often former soldiers) who understand that its not their place to tell the military how to run itself. There is a reason that we keep party politics and the military separate; namely that most politicians have no clue how to run the military. In short, if its not broke, don't fix it!

"But what about the recent ceasefire with EDEN!", you might argue. The BEP claims that this was a unjust action of the politicians against the military. What they forget is that this ceasefire wasn't negotiated by Congress, it was negotiated by Country President Dishmcds and members of his cabinet. Why is this important? Well, the Country President is the commander in chief of the military; that is to say part of the military. Even the game mechanics reflect this- the Country President is the only guy who can propose Wars to Congress, the only guy who can launch an attack, and the only guy who can retreat a region. Dish was only doing what he was elected to do, and his actions were nothing out of the ordinary.

The BEP is an irresponsible party attempting to wave the banner of false populism despite having no clue what they're talking about. This isn't surprising coming from a party that for months didn't even have an official set of policies, though frankly they were probably better with no policies than the nonsense they're spouting these days. This is not the case with the FDP or any of the other major political parties- we respect the military's independence and we have the common sense not to act like experts of something we know nothing about. To sum up, while we'd love to have you, the reader, join the Free Democratic Party, the point of this article is to urge you to do yourself a huge favor and join any party BUT the BEP.

The Free Democrats.

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