[FDP] - CAP!

Day 742, 04:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Free Democratic Party HQ

Community Action Program

Hello readers, I am Tom Morgan, a member of the Free Democratic Party.

Recently the FDP started a Community Action Program, in which we were encouraged to find new players and offer them help. This help would include offering players advise on how to get started in careers in the military or in politics. We would offer them food if they needed wellness, teach them how to fight and find them stable jobs to get a good wage and work daily.

Today I would like to announce that I will be heading up the FDP Community Action Program.

What are my plans? Well, I'll tell you.

~ Gather a list weekly of new people who wish to be helped, given advice or seek gainful employment.
~ When I have that list, pester everyone in the FDP to give out advice to the people. Depending on what they want help with people will be assigned accordingly.
~ Get a list of willing employers who will give jobs to enthusiastic players, regardless of skill and refer the players to those companies.
~ Post regular articles updating on the status of this program, promoting it to the general public. This program is not restricted to FDP members, anyone who needs some help is welcome.

I would like to promote the Community Action Program to the general public. To achieve this I will ask all people who are given advice to message me with their experiences with our members, saying how they were helpful and what they helped with. These messages will be posted in bi-weekly articles in the FDP paper. This will help to promote the program to other new players. We know we cannot do it all, we cannot help everyone, but we will make a bloody good go of it!

If you are reading this and want some help, message me. I will try to message everyone who I feel will need help, but I may miss some, please don't wait for me to contact you.

Tom Morgan

Captain of the HMS thehorseltd
CAP Director of the FDP
