[FDP] Announcing our support for PM.

Day 862, 20:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Free Democratic Party HQ
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The Free Democratic Party supports GLaDOS for Prime Minister on April the 5th, 2010.
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Tonight, as we enter into the early hours of April in 2010, the Free Democratic Party have decided to support not only a highly qualified, enthuastic candidate, but a good friend, GLaDOS, for Prime Minister in April 2010. GLaDOS has bags of experience in the political and military sides of eRepublik and we feel this experience, combined with his ideas can effectively carry us forward into version two of this game making the United Kingdom a better place.

So why vote GLaDOS?

A vote for GLaDOS is a vote for experience. GLaDOS is a former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and former Country President of Russia, as well as Minister of Foreign Affairs and a fine soldier in the Royal Parachute Regiment and the Royal Marines.

A vote for GLaDOS is a vote for communication. GLaDOS has pointed out that he would like to take the foundations of communication that Dishmcds put in place and take them further. You can read about this idea and more in his Economic and Home Affairs manifesto.

A vote for GLaDOS is a vote for decisiveness. GLaDOS was the last Prime Minister to declare war on a nation, and that one declaration took us right down to the wire giving the UK direct war and a large amount of fun.

A vote for GLaDOS is a vote for war and fun. GLaDOS has promised a direct war for the UK before the end of his term. You can read about this promise and more in his Military and Foreign Affairs manifesto.

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The Free Democratic Party supports GLaDOS for Prime Minister on April the 5th, 2010.
The Free Democrats.

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