[FAR] NewWorldDay 1373 Stats

Day 1,374, 01:17 Published in Romania Romania by Fortele Aeriene Romane

Here we have Far Alpha’s stats for day 1373

First lets congratulate some of our worthy soldiers :

>>>> Congratulations for Level Up to:::

>> oboj for New LVL 43 >> Cushalex for New LVL 31 >> Dia_Fantasy for New LVL 28

>>>>Congratulations for New Rank to:::

>>Bomberclad for reaching Field Marshal** >>c05tel for reaching Supreme Marshal* >>civilu for reaching General* >>ProtiX for reaching Field Marshal*** >>silviukimi for reaching Field Marshal*

>>>>Congratulations for achieving new medals to:::

Campaign Hero Medal: - oboj --- titillica
Hard Worker Medal: - Alina V --- lostROsoul --- pui de dakay
Battle Hero Medal: - ady_ro --- BoboTheMighty --- 3x Hoffa13 --- oboj --- 2x Robius --- 2x TheImmortalOne --- 4x titillica --- 2x zzZZzz
Resistance Hero Medal: - jyku --- oldmack
Super Soldier Medal: - c05tel --- oboj --- O'Riley --- ProtiX --- thaddaus


1. titillica > Rank: National Force**, Strength: 8970.27 ( +24.5 ), DMG/HIT: 5341.05 ( +13.96 )
2. oboj > Rank: Legendary Force, Strength: 8029.15 ( +50 ), DMG/HIT: 5310.36 ( +31.5 )
3. TheImmortalOne > Rank: National Force**, Strength: 8665.74 ( +50 ), DMG/HIT: 5167.47 ( +28.5 )
4. zzZZzz > Rank: National Force, Strength: 8786.67 ( +24 ), DMG/HIT: 5052.67 ( +13.2 )
5. Robius > Rank: National Force**, Strength: 7685.56 ( +48.5 ), DMG/HIT: 4608.77 ( +27.65 )
6. rdbl > Rank: National Force*, Strength: 7792.04 ( +34.5 ), DMG/HIT: 4587.54 ( +19.32 )
7. BoboTheMighty > Rank: National Force*, Strength: 7709.46 ( +25 ), DMG/HIT: 4541.30 ( +14 )
8. oldmack > Rank: World Class Force, Strength: 6982.53 ( +23.5 ), DMG/HIT: 4355.69 ( +13.86 )
9. ady_ro > Rank: National Force*, Strength: 7055.66 ( +24.5 ), DMG/HIT: 4175.17 ( +13.72 )
10. pui de dakay > Rank: Supreme Marshal***, Strength: 7305.50 ( +24.5 ), DMG/HIT: 4160.97 ( +13.23 )
11. Hoffa13 > Rank: National Force*, Strength: 6846.06 ( +25 ), DMG/HIT: 4057.79 ( +14 )
12. valy84 > Rank: Supreme Marshal**, Strength: 7070.21 ( +23.5 ), DMG/HIT: 3959.21 ( +12.45 )
13. Tony Simion > Rank: National Force, Strength: 6615.66 ( +20 ), DMG/HIT: 3858.61 ( +11 )
14. ronina > Rank: Supreme Marshal*, Strength: 6841.27 ( +24.5 ), DMG/HIT: 3765.46 ( +12.74 )
15. DacianI > Rank: Supreme Marshal*, Strength: 6597.92 ( +32 ), DMG/HIT: 3638.92 ( +16.64 )
16. Nuker > Rank: Supreme Marshal**, Strength: 6400.00 ( +45 ), DMG/HIT: 3604.00 ( +23.85 )
17. thaddaus > Rank: Supreme Marshal**, Strength: 6259.92 ( +24.5 ), DMG/HIT: 3529.76 ( +12.99 )
18. Misha MeaningM > Rank: National Force, Strength: 5993.26 ( +49 ), DMG/HIT: 3516.29 ( +26.95 )
19. WayMilky > Rank: Supreme Marshal***, Strength: 5981.59 ( +44.5 ), DMG/HIT: 3446.06 ( +24.03 )
20. pista2 > Rank: Field Marshal**, Strength: 6410.20 ( +25 ), DMG/HIT: 3337.00 ( +12.25 )
21. Misanthrope > Rank: Field Marshal***, Strength: 6159.33 ( +34.5 ), DMG/HIT: 3279.66 ( +17.24 )
22. Frana91 > Rank: National Force, Strength: 5526.54 ( +24.5 ), DMG/HIT: 3259.60 ( +13.48 )
23. Naufragiatu > Rank: Supreme Marshal**, Strength: 5723.66 ( +25 ), DMG/HIT: 3245.54 ( +13.25 )
24. PMihai > Rank: Supreme Marshal***, Strength: 5388.40 ( +20 ), DMG/HIT: 3125.74 ( +10.8 )
25. loordsteaua > Rank: Supreme Marshal*, Strength: 5351.97 ( +32.5 ), DMG/HIT: 2991.02 ( +16.9 )
26. enriescape > Rank: Field Marshal**, Strength: 5642.16 ( +9.5 ), DMG/HIT: 2960.66 ( +4.66 )
27. Cushalex > Rank: Field Marshal***, Strength: 5499.85 ( +24.5 ), DMG/HIT: 2949.92 ( +12.24 )
28. Col. Stanescu > Rank: Supreme Marshal, Strength: 5376.80 ( +42.5 ), DMG/HIT: 2946.17 ( +21.68 )
29. gggeeeooo > Rank: Field Marshal***, Strength: 5411.41 ( +10 ), DMG/HIT: 2905.70 ( +5 )
30. stefanzor > Rank: Supreme Marshal*, Strength: 5130.79 ( +10 ), DMG/HIT: 2876.01 ( +5.2 )
31. Valentin Sandulescu > Rank: Supreme Marshal, Strength: 5172.5 ( +24 ), DMG/HIT: 2841.98 ( +12.24 )
32. booboolet > Rank: Field Marshal***, Strength: 5184.66 ( +19.5 ), DMG/HIT: 2792.33 ( +9.75 )
33. Educho > Rank: Field Marshal***, Strength: 4982.97 ( +9 ), DMG/HIT: 2691.48 ( +4.5 )
34. adidibao > Rank: Field Marshal***, Strength: 4973.14 ( +32 ), DMG/HIT: 2686.57 ( +16 )
35. andrei.m > Rank: Field Marshal*, Strength: 5141.87 ( +35 ), DMG/HIT: 2660.10 ( +16.8 )
36. Silexu > Rank: Field Marshal***, Strength: 4879.58 ( +45 ), DMG/HIT: 2639.79 ( +22.5 )
37. SOR TZY > Rank: Field Marshal***, Strength: 4846.49 ( +32 ), DMG/HIT: 2623.24 ( +16 )
38. Aditzu > Rank: Field Marshal*, Strength: 5020.72 ( +8.5 ), DMG/HIT: 2601.95 ( +4.08 )
39. DRAGALU > Rank: Field Marshal*, Strength: 5010.90 ( +9.5 ), DMG/HIT: 2597.23 ( +4.56 )
40. Anorien > Rank: Colonel***, Strength: 5716.54 ( +6 ), DMG/HIT: 2568.95 ( +2.52 )
41. Smara > Rank: Field Marshal**, Strength: 4831.02 ( +48.5 ), DMG/HIT: 2563.20 ( +23.77 )
42. tzighy > Rank: Field Marshal, Strength: 4929.80 ( +34.5 ), DMG/HIT: 2505.01 ( +16.22 )
43. ProtiX > Rank: Field Marshal***, Strength: 4506.92 ( +31 ), DMG/HIT: 2453.46 ( +64.26 )
44. Vlad Sabau > Rank: Field Marshal*, Strength: 4694.60 ( +10 ), DMG/HIT: 2445.41 ( +4.8 )
45. c05tel > Rank: Supreme Marshal*, Strength: 4250.84 ( +34 ), DMG/HIT: 2418.44 ( +63.85 )
46. Bomberclad > Rank: Field Marshal**, Strength: 4449.42 ( +8.5 ), DMG/HIT: 2376.22 ( +52.58 )
47. sorinn78 > Rank: General**, Strength: 4877.53 ( +9.5 ), DMG/HIT: 2374.89 ( +4.28 )
48. hohohobn > Rank: Field Marshal**, Strength: 4442.94 ( +31.5 ), DMG/HIT: 2373.04 ( +15.43 )
49. ashbird > Rank: General***, Strength: 4631.31 ( +35 ), DMG/HIT: 2314.40 ( +16.1 )
50. klm_p > Rank: Field Marshal*, Strength: 4359.78 ( +0 ), DMG/HIT: 2284.69 ( +0 )
51. Alina V > Rank: Field Marshal*, Strength: 3965.67 ( +9.5 ), DMG/HIT: 2095.52 ( +4.56 )
52. ionut-dragos > Rank: General*, Strength: 4343.07 ( +9 ), DMG/HIT: 2086.95 ( +3.96 )
53. Krikuletz > Rank: General**, Strength: 4214.39 ( +9 ), DMG/HIT: 2076.48 ( +4.05 )
54. Danytt > Rank: General*, Strength: 4225.91 ( +33.5 ), DMG/HIT: 2035.40 ( +14.74 )
55. drinkeru > Rank: General***, Strength: 3987.28 ( +24.5 ), DMG/HIT: 2018.15 ( +11.27 )
56. faf.docs > Rank: General***, Strength: 3916.08 ( +9 ), DMG/HIT: 1985.40 ( +4.14 )
57. adrianosun01 > Rank: General**, Strength: 3965.80 ( +9 ), DMG/HIT: 1964.61 ( +4.05 )
58. silviukimi > Rank: Field Marshal*, Strength: 3664.36 ( +35 ), DMG/HIT: 1950.89 ( +57.09 )
59. Vasiliu Horia > Rank: Field Marshal, Strength: 3734.88 ( +33.5 ), DMG/HIT: 1943.39 ( +15.74 )
60. dubyz > Rank: Field Marshal, Strength: 3730.56 ( +0 ), DMG/HIT: 1941.36 ( +0 )
61. bry robert > Rank: General**, Strength: 3809.82 ( +0 ), DMG/HIT: 1894.42 ( +0 )
62. lostROsoul > Rank: Field Marshal***, Strength: 3335.49 ( +9.5 ), DMG/HIT: 1867.74 ( +4.74 )
63. Astromaniac > Rank: General**, Strength: 3717.50 ( +6 ), DMG/HIT: 1852.88 ( +2.7 )
64. aestus > Rank: General***, Strength: 3604.69 ( +10 ), DMG/HIT: 1842.16 ( +4.6 )
65. Ellimist > Rank: General*, Strength: 3782.78 ( +7 ), DMG/HIT: 1840.42 ( +3.08 )
66. civilu > Rank: General*, Strength: 3703.05 ( +33.5 ), DMG/HIT: 1805.34 ( +55.43 )
67. metabolic666 > Rank: General, Strength: 3790.48 ( +34.5 ), DMG/HIT: 1801.91 ( +14.84 )
68. scristian > Rank: General, Strength: 3765.60 ( +8.5 ), DMG/HIT: 1791.21 ( +3.66 )
69. Adryan Poulot > Rank: General**, Strength: 3578.47 ( +6 ), DMG/HIT: 1790.31 ( +2.7 )
70. dianamaria3m > Rank: General*, Strength: 3631.0 ( +8.5 ), DMG/HIT: 1773.64 ( +3.74 )
71. petre13 > Rank: General**, Strength: 3478.50 ( +9.5 ), DMG/HIT: 1745.32 ( +4.27 )
72. He did it > Rank: Colonel, Strength: 4072.13 ( +7 ), DMG/HIT: 1744.13 ( +2.73 )
73. KLM_RO > Rank: General*, Strength: 3563.02 ( +18.5 ), DMG/HIT: 1743.73 ( +8.14 )
74. AceManBZ > Rank: General, Strength: 3570.31 ( +6.5 ), DMG/HIT: 1707.23 ( +2.79 )
75. Alex Dima > Rank: General**, Strength: 3393.34 ( +9.5 ), DMG/HIT: 1707.00 ( +4.27 )
76. Geto-Daca > Rank: General*, Strength: 3429.86 ( +31 ), DMG/HIT: 1685.14 ( +13.64 )
77. BzzB > Rank: General, Strength: 3450.98 ( +6.5 ), DMG/HIT: 1655.92 ( +2.79 )
78. berserkir > Rank: General**, Strength: 3271.80 ( +0 ), DMG/HIT: 1652.31 ( +0 )
79. JORSSEN > Rank: General, Strength: 3291.51 ( +0 ), DMG/HIT: 1587.35 ( +0 )
80. gabriel serban > Rank: General, Strength: 3221.84 ( +31 ), DMG/HIT: 1557.39 ( +13.33 )
81. Dia_Fantasy > Rank: General, Strength: 3197.89 ( +31 ), DMG/HIT: 1547.09 ( +13.33 )
82. Mazak3 > Rank: General**, Strength: 2897.64 ( +6 ), DMG/HIT: 1483.94 ( +2.7 )
83. sirracuzza > Rank: Colonel***, Strength: 3129.46 ( +6 ), DMG/HIT: 1482.37 ( +2.52 )
84. wiggin > Rank: Colonel***, Strength: 3111.17 ( +6.5 ), DMG/HIT: 1474.69 ( +2.73 )
85. jyku > Rank: General, Strength: 3018.19 ( +7 ), DMG/HIT: 1469.82 ( +3.01 )
86. GreenIce > Rank: Lt Colonel***, Strength: 3441.92 ( +5 ), DMG/HIT: 1459.93 ( +1.9 )
87. biancacrz > Rank: General, Strength: 2982.70 ( +6 ), DMG/HIT: 1454.56 ( +2.58 )
88. Radmy > Rank: Colonel***, Strength: 3054.90 ( +31 ), DMG/HIT: 1451.06 ( +13.02 )
89. mcprala > Rank: General*, Strength: 2782.26 ( +6.5 ), DMG/HIT: 1400.19 ( +2.86 )
90. alexutzu99 > Rank: Colonel***, Strength: 2809.5 ( +6.5 ), DMG/HIT: 1347.99 ( +2.73 )
91. Neinfrantu > Rank: Colonel**, Strength: 2876.02 ( +6.5 ), DMG/HIT: 1343.17 ( +2.67 )
92. Wolfgang Garmisch > Rank: Lt Colonel***, Strength: 2941.94 ( +6 ), DMG/HIT: 1269.94 ( +2.28 )
93. O'Riley > Rank: Colonel, Strength: 2751.87 ( +6.5 ), DMG/HIT: 1229.23 ( +2.54 )
94. Garfield95 > Rank: Colonel*, Strength: 2592.43 ( +8.5 ), DMG/HIT: 1196.97 ( +3.4 )

>> Influence represents Rank Points multiplied by 10

1. titillica > Rank: National Force**, + Exp: 276, + Influence: 1276060
2. TheImmortalOne > Rank: National Force**, + Exp: 276, + Influence: 1171710
3. Hoffa13 > Rank: National Force*, + Exp: 302, + Influence: 1106320
4. Robius > Rank: National Force**, + Exp: 239, + Influence: 994910
5. zzZZzz > Rank: National Force, + Exp: 226, + Influence: 993860
6. oboj > Rank: Legendary Force, + Exp: 251, + Influence: 976530
7. Misha MeaningM > Rank: National Force, + Exp: 278, + Influence: 832660
8. ady_ro > Rank: National Force*, + Exp: 207, + Influence: 776270
9. Tony Simion > Rank: National Force, + Exp: 224, + Influence: 775170
10. BoboTheMighty > Rank: National Force*, + Exp: 176, + Influence: 712780
11. oldmack > Rank: World Class Force, + Exp: 196, + Influence: 701000
12. PMihai > Rank: Supreme Marshal***, + Exp: 254, + Influence: 678000
13. thaddaus > Rank: Supreme Marshal**, + Exp: 223, + Influence: 677140
14. Nuker > Rank: Supreme Marshal**, + Exp: 234, + Influence: 650660
15. pui de dakay > Rank: Supreme Marshal***, + Exp: 173, + Influence: 615680
16. pista2 > Rank: Field Marshal**, + Exp: 232, + Influence: 593720
17. Naufragiatu > Rank: Supreme Marshal**, + Exp: 208, + Influence: 527550
18. loordsteaua > Rank: Supreme Marshal*, + Exp: 195, + Influence: 502320
19. rdbl > Rank: National Force*, + Exp: 163, + Influence: 495310
20. Silexu > Rank: Field Marshal***, + Exp: 239, + Influence: 490470
21. Frana91 > Rank: National Force, + Exp: 172, + Influence: 465580
22. booboolet > Rank: Field Marshal***, + Exp: 194, + Influence: 454800
23. gggeeeooo > Rank: Field Marshal***, + Exp: 209, + Influence: 435520
24. ProtiX > Rank: Field Marshal***, + Exp: 226, + Influence: 434770
25. Smara > Rank: Field Marshal**, + Exp: 195, + Influence: 404680
26. c05tel > Rank: Supreme Marshal*, + Exp: 196, + Influence: 359850
27. lostROsoul > Rank: Field Marshal***, + Exp: 230, + Influence: 339020
28. Valentin Sandulescu > Rank: Supreme Marshal, + Exp: 148, + Influence: 332280
29. Col. Stanescu > Rank: Supreme Marshal, + Exp: 179, + Influence: 329510
30. Bomberclad > Rank: Field Marshal**, + Exp: 158, + Influence: 321960
31. Educho > Rank: Field Marshal***, + Exp: 140, + Influence: 309330
32. DRAGALU > Rank: Field Marshal*, + Exp: 194, + Influence: 297120
33. stefanzor > Rank: Supreme Marshal*, + Exp: 158, + Influence: 257290
34. hohohobn > Rank: Field Marshal**, + Exp: 151, + Influence: 244710
35. Alina V > Rank: Field Marshal*, + Exp: 158, + Influence: 235550
36. WayMilky > Rank: Supreme Marshal***, + Exp: 114, + Influence: 230770
37. Alex Dima > Rank: General**, + Exp: 201, + Influence: 229360
38. Misanthrope > Rank: Field Marshal***, + Exp: 90, + Influence: 213020
39. Vasiliu Horia > Rank: Field Marshal, + Exp: 144, + Influence: 210370
40. Vlad Sabau > Rank: Field Marshal*, + Exp: 126, + Influence: 195510
41. Cushalex > Rank: Field Marshal***, + Exp: 186, + Influence: 186970
42. KLM_RO > Rank: General*, + Exp: 125, + Influence: 177630
43. SOR TZY > Rank: Field Marshal***, + Exp: 87, + Influence: 157300
44. enriescape > Rank: Field Marshal**, + Exp: 77, + Influence: 149160
45. civilu > Rank: General*, + Exp: 123, + Influence: 139770
46. silviukimi > Rank: Field Marshal*, + Exp: 123, + Influence: 138770
47. tzighy > Rank: Field Marshal, + Exp: 88, + Influence: 127720
48. drinkeru > Rank: General***, + Exp: 92, + Influence: 118940
49. Mazak3 > Rank: General**, + Exp: 182, + Influence: 113240
50. mcprala > Rank: General*, + Exp: 204, + Influence: 111300
51. andrei.m > Rank: Field Marshal*, + Exp: 88, + Influence: 110600
52. faf.docs > Rank: General***, + Exp: 90, + Influence: 102170
53. Ellimist > Rank: General*, + Exp: 78, + Influence: 102120
54. petre13 > Rank: General**, + Exp: 137, + Influence: 100020
55. adidibao > Rank: Field Marshal***, + Exp: 65, + Influence: 96640
56. dianamaria3m > Rank: General*, + Exp: 71, + Influence: 92110
57. Astromaniac > Rank: General**, + Exp: 66, + Influence: 82890
58. jyku > Rank: General, + Exp: 66, + Influence: 75550
59. Adryan Poulot > Rank: General**, + Exp: 67, + Influence: 75180
60. Krikuletz > Rank: General**, + Exp: 77, + Influence: 74690
61. Radmy > Rank: Colonel***, + Exp: 78, + Influence: 69310
62. Anorien > Rank: Colonel***, + Exp: 62, + Influence: 65460
63. ionut-dragos > Rank: General*, + Exp: 76, + Influence: 61440
64. adrianosun01 > Rank: General**, + Exp: 73, + Influence: 54970
65. sorinn78 > Rank: General**, + Exp: 57, + Influence: 53620
66. AceManBZ > Rank: General, + Exp: 75, + Influence: 47720
67. metabolic666 > Rank: General, + Exp: 68, + Influence: 37800
68. aestus > Rank: General***, + Exp: 81, + Influence: 33120
69. scristian > Rank: General, + Exp: 31, + Influence: 15030
70. Dia_Fantasy > Rank: General, + Exp: 32, + Influence: 7110
71. Geto-Daca > Rank: General*, + Exp: 29, + Influence: 6740
72. Danytt > Rank: General*, + Exp: 32, + Influence: 6100
73. gabriel serban > Rank: General, + Exp: 31, + Influence: 5600

We had 73/94 (77.66😵 active fighters, who made 24645910 Influence, and collected 10772 Experience Points. Our members have a total strength of 448911.17

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