Day 1,629, 10:36 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Amli Nujhan

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Short study notes for my Ethnical Sciences students.

This is the original emblem of our Tentera Darat Malaysia, once served as the sole national arm force. With sub-divisons of PASKAU, PASKAL, Tuah Squadron, Regimen Askar Melayu Di Raja and Regimen Gerak Khas.
However, through the system changes overtime, eTDM has been reduced to a Military Unit. Gone along with the changes were it’s original organisation account with all it’s assets.
eTDM is still active manoeuvring in the underground subversive territory.

Now, there are only 5 official government body left.

When a Take Over takes place, the government change.
It is done through monthly elections. eMalaysia has been constantly under the attack of Political Take Over (PTO) groups. They are some foreign groups with structured foundation come over here and take away our country, then claim as their own.
Against the PTO, there's an Anti Take Over (ATO)long established as the backbone of this country. I've been with them ever since.

Not many of you ever know this.

Recently I am the one who TOOK OVER eMalaysia. I owned the country.
For two terms so to say.(I never was a president anyway).
With me were all the national accounts and their passwords.
They are:

Reserve Bank

Central Bank

Badan Nasional Malaysia

Social Office of eMalaysia

Prime Minister's Department

The Prime Minister’s Department used a national emblem but some people have changed it recently.

Patheticly... I was lacked of man power to run all these.
Now I do not have those accounts anymore… they are TAKEN OVER.

Do not despair, they can take all the accounts they want for now, but I keep the belongings. With me is a sum of money for instant back up and a bigger fortune is kept away in offshore accounts in safe hands.
Marcotje stand witness of all transactions, but he should keep quiet about the amount and where they are about.

Therefore, I am practically rich enough to run the eUniversity of Malaya as a government linked organisation; or stand alone as an NGO .


Mesej untuk rakyat MALAYSIA (di dunia sebenar).

Benda ni game saja.
Computer gaming ialah suatu bentuk kesukanan era kini.
Tetapi anda semua prihatin atau tidak itu terpulang sajalah. Di eMalaysia, kami mempertahankan maruah, kedaulatan dan intergriti yang diperlambangkan oleh bendera kita Jalur Gemilang.

Masalahnya ialah bilangan populasi telah menyusut dengan teruk setelah kerap dilanda bencana penjajahan sehingga ramai yang berhenti dari perjuangan sia-sia ini.
Jika populasi rakyat eMalaysia tidak bertambah, maka bangsa anak watan akan hilang dari persada negara virtual ini.

Ramai manusia yang menjadi jaguh politik di luar sana. Berdegar-degar menuntut pilihanraya yang bersih. Di eRepublik pun kita menghadapi cabaran pilihanraya yang getir juga.
Ayuh kita main-main kat sini dan tunjuk skil serta pengaruh… SAYA CABAR ANDA!

Daftarkan diri di eUniversity of Malaya untuk mendapatkan pendidikan percuma.

Jika anda boleh atasi saya… saya tabik spring.
Dan saya akan serahkan eMalaysia seluruhnya kepada anda.

“Majulah Sukan Untuk Negara”

Looking forward to seeing you,

Dean of Erepublik Art and Technology,
eUniversity of Malaya

To be an eMalaysian and gain life time scholarship in eUM, please born/reborn as an eMalaysian