Day 1,628, 03:29 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Amli Nujhan

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It is never too late for a piece of education.
And it is never too late for a little introduction.

The very foundation of any successful civilization is measured through intellectuality. What the heck am I talking BIG about ‘civilization’ when what we are now is just a small nation barely exist on this eRepublik world? Come on… please everybody do not ever dream of it; … don’t dream… but make it a vision!

As an instrument to helps eMalaysian stepping ahead into that direction, when I was the Minister of Education, I came with an idea to set up a national university (now known as eUniversity of Malaya). This could be the only university ever exist in eRepublik. Previously, I held the position as Minister of Education for 5 or 6 consecutive terms, and had tried to persuade all citizens to undergo a higher education in eRepublik art and technology. Since the previous course offered was just opened to selected congressmen and government servants, the outcomes were never made to public. Following that, I will open a new batch intake; this time it will be open wide to eMalaysian public citizen. So get ready to grab your chance.


What I really do in real life?
I am a primary school teacher. Yeah, I know most of you hate teachers.
Let me reveal to you what it is like to be as a primary school teacher.
I’m practically only working around 200 days in a year, with long holidays; 5 days a week; 5⅓ hours per day; and less than 5 teaching periods (2.5 hours) for each and every working days.

What am I doing during my free hours?.... Still teaching. 24/7; 365 days per year.

I may escape to the air-conditioned computer lab and login into somewhere and teach people. Or, if I wish I can come back here at my own personal desk at home at any time… I live within the school compound. (A lot easier if you have 4 schooling kids). I don’t have to worry much about going back and forth; I don’t care about sharp timing… nowhere to go; nothing to catch. I have everything I need.

At school I teach virtually everything.
I treat my students like my own kids. If I am teaching a lower primary class (Yr1, Yr2 & Yr3), you can see a chaotic classroom. The kids can do anything to me. They can wrestle me, kick me as they like… they may make noises, jumping and running actively… they are small kids. I love them.
But, in the mean time they also must prepare for the consequences… because I got my own punishment if they do wrong. I wrestle and kick them too!

As they turn to upper primary (Yr4 – Yr6), the first thing I teach them is SEX.
All about it; outer and inner genitals, birth, homosexual (Maho), lesbian, heterosexual… and all sort of dirty things. Nobody dare to giggle. This subject can be holy or shit…. Or both.
I coach them in various sports too. Very physical.
They can challenge me on anything, if it is worthy then they get their merit.
Do anything foolish... you know...
And I give them karate chop and elbow and knee....Dusyum!... Krapow! Kelekuk!
And I snarl my voice aloud with curses… The only curse that I do not use to my students is the word FUCK.
Then we laugh together.
Besides teaching English, Science,… I also inspiring music, demonstrating arts… any field they wish to expand.

I teach my kids to be fighters. Endure till it’s done.

For early enrollment application, respectively please contact:
TROLL: Buntak

Till meet again,

Dean of eRepublik Art and Technology,
eUniversity of Malaya

To be an eMalaysian and gain life time scholarship in eUM, please born/reborn as an eMalaysian