[eUM] eUniversity of Malaya coming program.

Day 1,625, 02:05 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Amli Nujhan


Being a dean at eUniversity of Malaya, I want to express my discomfort about how education is being treated presently. There’s no more active sharing and intellectual findings made public. Let alone to guide others to succeed in the game.

For that purpose, I’m opening a new bachelor program to elevate the players to upper standard of game play. Based upon the results from that certificate, the winners will be presented with luxurious give aways, comprising of gold, money and awesome gifts.

Some might still remember these remarkable ancient coins found during V1 era, from our excavation at an archeological site ruins of Kota Gelanggi?
10 glittering golds for the best student award.

eUniversity of Malaya had arranged some degree programs and writing contest before; but it is quite puzzling that nobody has ever claimed any of those university awards. Do not take me wrongly for just producing phony events. The previous award should have gone to my deputy of that time and The President. However, since those two people who were trusted to keep and manage the gifts, they just didn’t feel right that they want to give away those gifts to people… instead they are the ones who get. So, I still keep the budget for future events.

For the next semester, we are hoping to get participants in the Bachelor of Fact and Figures, Bachelor of Ethnical Sciences and Bachelor of Troll.

Wait for my updates in a few days.

Signing off,

Dean of Erepublik Art and Technology,
eUniversity of Malaya