[eUM] Essay Competition

Day 1,648, 20:18 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Amli Nujhan

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It has been a temporary pause since we launched the new session of university program.
It is due to the consideration that most people are being busy focusing on studies and RL examinations. Even there were some people did bringing in their RL study subjects to be discussed with me for insights in helping their works. It is a positive act in education.

Resuming our eUM syllabus, I must announce first that every work done relating to this university project is included in our selection for our final Grand Essay Contest. The prizes will be lavishly given away as follows:

The Dean Special Award : 10 Gold.
The 1st prize : 5 Gold
The 2nd place: 3 Gold
The 3rd place: 2 Gold
10 complimentary prizes comprise of 30 luxury Q6 tanks for each winner.

For some reasons, I believe that this contest should be left open for anybody to join, regardless whether the person enrols in eUM or not. It is just an advantage to those who enrolled as they get scholarship and free to ask any guidance from the university.

The participants can choose to do their essay from two studies: Bachelor of Fact and Figures; or Bachelor of Ethnical Sciences. The instructions are as follows:

You need to publish an article through own bulletin aiming to guide people in playing eRepublik.
It may sound simple if you imagine to copy/paste from any foreign articles that is unknown to people in eMalaysia. To avoid that, I have to set an extra challenge for this task.
I had produced a set guides and walkthrough previously in the FOR DUMMIES series, however some parts of the instructions there are already obsolete due to system and module changes. For that I want you to update the series by adding new stuffs and deleting the unnecessary items.
To be more specific, I focus on these volumes only:

Economy For Dummies
Military For Dummies
Politics For Dummies
eRepublik Tools For Dummies
IRC For Dummies

Pick one that you think can project your improvisation best.


The purpose of this assignment is to provide articles for eRepublik Wiki regarding the history, geo-politics and nature of social in eMalaysia. As we already know that eMalaysia is rich in racial and ethnical diversity. We are meant to live in harmony in such multiracial community; Malay, Indians, Chinese, ‘Pribumi’ Ethnics, Middle Easterners, Javanese (and other Malay Archipelago origins), Eurasian and immigrants. However there are colonial history too as dissonance to the existing mutual harmony.

For the reference, participants need to capture the spirit, political motives and the patriotic values allegorized in the lore of Malacca during the height of its civilization as the world prime trade port city circa 14th century as told in the THE LEGACY series; and transform into the modern day history time line.


I know this could be a tougher task, but being exclusive for eRepublik Wiki, you should be proud if you can engrave yourself in the history as the presenter.


The time span given is up to three weeks (before day 1670).
Publish your article anytime starting now. Please add {eUM} at the end of your title.

The presentation can be written either in English or Bahasa Malaysia.
As long as you possess the eMalaysian citizenship, you are welcomed to contribute the effort.
Please leave your autograph on my previous articles that you read too. (Thanks)

What about the Bachelor of Trolls?... Just troll, and hope that in the end I will have to do all these by myself as usual.

Walk the Talk,

To be an eMalaysian and gain life time scholarship in eUM, please born/reborn as an eMalaysian