[eUK] June 2015 CP Election Results - the final results

Day 2,755, 00:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Neil Lewis
June 2015 eUK CP Election Results - the final results

This hasn't been the cleanest CP election in eUK history, with articles seeking to discredit one of the candidates being published here & here. There was another (by an "also-ran") but it's been deleted. The only "exposé" blowing the other way is here.

At approximately 16:00 on Day 2,754 the leading candidates were as follows: Fatalix 146, King William 104. Here is the screenshot taken just before the polls close😛

We'll see if the admins amend anything, but early indications are that Fatalix has won his 2nd term and we are up 13 votes on last month.

Back after 14:00 BST with further analysis and graphics.


So, here's the final results:

A total of 2 votes were lost to "electoral discrepancies" - one each lost by Fatalix AND King William. But we're still up by 11 votes on last month.

And here's a different view of the results:

As usual, I leave you with: