[eUK - CP] - Update Day 4,214

Day 4,214, 18:24 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street


A long, long overdue update on various matters.

Democracy in the UK

Democracy remains a vital part of the UK decision making processes, the UK Assembly currently represents the top 8 political parties of the UK. This equates to joint representation of more than 100+ citizens including all our most politically active, knowledgable and experienced citizens. The UK assembly has been as active as our traditional Congress.

The UK Military Command represents the vast majority of our active military units.

I've taken advice, guidance and constructive criticisms from the UK assembly during the entirety of the term to ensure the decisions I make were fair, representative and right for the UK.

The UK remains an inclusive environment that we all can feel involved with how our country should be governed. Please let me know if you would like to be included in a mass personal message and form part of this assembly.

In terms of new player support the fantastic UK Tutorial remains part of the eUK welcome message.

Although admittedly, I have been quiet in the media and on the national feed, this I should apologise for. It has been of interest to read some of the recent media articles, I'd just advise some prudence and caution on some of the claims, ask yourself what is the author trying to gain.

Despite the good in the UK, the situation we find ourselves in is far from optimal and I'd be a fool to suggest we need to make no improvements and not consider solutions or ideas presented to improve the situation in the UK.

Present and Future

The eUK remains fully occupied by the choice of the majority to help mitigate the damage the PTO group within our shores. The continued actions of Kylo.Ren (Dapper), Rusofil74, and their associates to this day raise alarm. Only today I spotted this shout on my friends feed

Kylo.Ren (Dapper) and Rusofil74 looking for accounts for cc, very suspicious.

This linked to the actions Kylo.Ren (Dapper), Rusofil74 and their associates during the last party president elections. Where four multi votes were removed from Rusofil74 would suggest vigilance.

The known PTOers and those UK citizens who choose to closely associate themselves with the group has directly led to the continued occupation of the UK.

Our passiveness in finding a resolution during our continued occupation is the outstanding benefit that it removes the use of citizenship passes, to force a dialogue in the UK on the issue of citizenship passes.

As a reminder, the UK with a Congress means, they can import more of their friends in an attempt to divide Congress among their friends or offer a place in Congress as a reward for changing citizenship to the UK. The imported accounts more often than not offered very little beyond using another citizenship pass to allow another suspect account in and voting for their leadership without question. In addition, I don't think I've heard one suggestion from the group about what extra measures they would take to improve the UK. We all want to "make the UK great" however what action will you take to do this?

As covered democracy / the citizens of the UK are very much in control, the UK has only been safeguarded by a valiant effort of a cast legion of UK volunteers, left solely to myself the UK would have not survived the initial take over attempt.

I only continue to offer a focus of unity, a modest array of foreign affairs experience, the maintenance of UK military communication channels, financial oversight and authority, the running of a modest amount of support schemes and some direction and leadership and aspirations to try to help improve the UK.

So going forward what are our options, they are similar to the start of the term

Option 1 - A continued occupation of the eUK, some enjoyable productivity bonuses, no use of citizenship passes to import citizens on promises of Congressional gold and political take over however at the cost of our daily revenue (about 10k a day)

Option 2 - A Training War Agreement with the CODE Member Nations, eArgentina and eEygpt. This would provide a return of our tax revenue and regular access to true patriot, BH, SH and CH medal opportunities in UK battles however at a price of providing more permission for other nations certain freedoms with some of our regions and perhaps a less of a certain place in the world.

Option 3 - Co-ordinated with allies with the end outcome of the liberation of the eUK followed by the establishment of new training war agreements or holding no training wars. This would provide a return of our tax revenue and regular access to true patriot, BH, SH and CH medal opportunities in UK battles, however, this comes with some PTO threat due to the chaotic nature liberation can take.

Both option 1 and 2 may result in a UK Congress, which normally we would celebrate however we have been advised that the PTO group is more than willing to wait for it out until and look for an opportunity for our guard to slip.

It's hard to say how many the PTO group numbers however even if it's about 16 to 22 we must remain vigilant. Our country ranking might be currently low however our community is protected.

I've heard ranging views on all the options, however not enough really to draw a strong consensus of action, so I've largely found it acceptable to maintain the status quo and listen for opinions.


The Dictatorship in the United Kingdom went bankrupt and democracy restored after a Dictatorship Upkeep cost £241,498 on Day 4,189.

When I queried the Game Mechanics with the Admin.

The response I received was ". . .the key is the average of the monetary market exchange rate. As you know, the upkeep has a minimum value of 25 gold at the monetary market exchange rate. That rate is the average for the said day, what you do need to keep in mind is the average is calculated based on the transactions which occurred during the day and not based on the rate which you see on the first page of the MM. Thus, should there be any big transfers made via MM, it will have an impact on the dictatorship of all countries. . ."

This led to some subsequent questions as the average rate calculated based on the transactions which occurred during Day 4,189 must have been in the region of £9,600~ for one Gold to generate the Dictatorship Upkeep costs incurred for countries in Dictatorship.

So if the UK was to reinstate a Dictatorship, we would be just as vulnerable to similarly high Dictatorship Upkeep costs with no real way to anticipate or prepare for them? As we citizens are not able to access information about the average rate as it is calculated based on the transactions which occurred during the day. In addition as citizen, we don't also have any knowledge of any big transfers made via the monetary market. I was also interested if there a cap to the maximum daily costs Dictatorship upkeep can incur to a country?

The response I received was ". . .We have taken a number of actions in order to prevent very high fluctuation on the rate used to compute the upkeep.

The high fluctuations are mainly due to national organizations that ride the wave when demand for gold increases and push the prices even further. Therefore we limited the amount of gold a national org can buy every day and added a cap on the max day to day variation.

For the time being, I cannot share the numbers with you but the max variation is below the highs in recent history

As a player, you can get an idea that something like this is happening by following the supply offers of gold on the market during the day and on the offers of the significant player

There is no cap currently on the upkeep cost. . ."

After some further discussion, I thanked the admin and I ended my pursuit of answers and subsequently decided that the Dictatorship module is not a viable module for the UK. It served the UK as a short-term measure to protect our democracy against a group of PTO citizens at the cost of £721,929 from the taxpayer.

In addition, we did get the admins to make a change to the game mechanics and some limits to how much gold national organisations can buy in one day which is an outcome.

Reminder of our British Armed Forces Coordination Channels

We have an in-game message involving 21 citizens to coordinate UK damage for the UK and her allies. UK fighters can also ask questions, seek guidance and help about how best to coordinate your damage with other UK fighter - Please complete the British Armed Forces Coordination survey to be included.

We have a new Discord server involving 14 citizens. Here is a link to the British Armed Forces Coordination - Discord Server

The server channel structure simple;

Three "Command" channels where with permissions can post orders and links and those confirmed as UK fighters can check where you should be directing your damage in ground battles and aircraft battles for the UK or her allies and where to start resistance wars.

A general channel where UK fighters can post to ask questions, seek guidance and help about how best to coordinate your damage with other UK fighters

Please note until you complete the British Armed Forces Coordination survey and confirmed as a UK fighter your visibility of the server will be limited.

We have Telegram Group where you can check where you should be directing your damage in ground battles and aircraft battles for the UK or her allies. You can also ask questions, seek guidance and help about how best to coordinate your damage with other UK fighters. Click this link to join the British Armed Forces Command Group

Finally, the communication channels above will be used in conjunction with national wall feed shouts.

As we haven't had training wars or a clear direction of where our efforts should be directed with Government fairly happy to set no specific orders for our military and no incoming asks of support from our allies, these channels have been quiet.

I do have a plan to address this next term led by me or under the guidance of Pannonian Nomad dependant on the result of the country presidency election which leads me to;

The Pride of the Three Lions acheivements

Red Lion of the Mercenary Achievement - The reward for each medal is 1,000 currency however if you are a UK citizen and send me a screenshot of your future medals, I will provide you with 5 additional gold to your reward.

White Lion of Freedom Fighter Achievement - The reward for each medal is 1,000 currency however if you are a UK citizen and send me a screenshot of your future medals, I will provide you with 5 additional gold to your reward.

Blue Lion of Brotherhood Achievement - Fight daily for the UK or her allies* (MPP allies to support the game mechanics of the daily order) and complete x7 Daily Orders in a week and receive £1,000 GBP

This will hopefully help with the loss felt by some of the more regular access to true patriot medals and give us some more coordination. I'll also self-fund this initial to establish base-line costs

In addition, I'd add the request of

- Save Energy Bars for future important UK conflicts
- If you are new (or perhaps even old) fight in Aircraft rounds where your input can make the most difference
- Look out for epic battles where you get double prestige points to help you earn more weekly rewards. Specifically on Tuesday where you can get your energy recovery boosted early in the week.

Next term

If I'm elected next term I will continue the following;

People's Cabinet

Country President Office taking a direct overview of Defence, Foreign Affairs and Finance

Huey George (Country President) supported by Sir Humphrey Appleby (Prime Minister)

Administer the basics of Government and ensure we are well represented on the international stage, meet the expectations of Government held by the UK citizenry.

Ministry of Defense - No political title appointed to one citizen

Instead, I will consult regularly with the Commanders, 2nd Commanders and Captains of the top MUs in the UK and with all UK fighters via the British Armed Forces Coordination Channels.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - No political title appointed to one citizen

Direct matters of Foreign Affairs will be handled by myself and my team in the Country Presidency Office however what the UK is lacking is a regular dose of informative articles about the latest global situations.

With an obviously empty MoFA role, we all can become our own experts with articles published by anyone in the Foreign Office newspaper via submission to me.

Rewards of 100GBP to 10,000GBP are on offer for top quality articles plus I'll send all endorsements to receive for the article to the authour.

I'm also happy to be included into any group messages any citizen may hold with their foreign contacts which have neglected the need for a specific MoFA at times so why not make this more apparent. From these group messages, we can then take ideas and suggestions to the UK assembly for approval.

Ministry of Education - No political title appointed to one citizen

As with an obviously empty MoED role we all can become our own educators with articles published by anyone in the Home Affairs or Department of Work newspaper via submission to me.

Once again rewards of 100GBP to 10,000GBP are on offer for top quality articles plus I'll send all endorsements to receive for the article to the authour.

Ministry of Finance - I will continue to handle all financial matters.

Brief Financial summary

Total UK funds £5,170,617.67 (104.35 Gold)
UK revenue (excluding donations) past 30 days £97,334.00
UK expense (including MPPs, City Subsidy and Dictatorship Upkeep) £486,938.00
UK revenue lost to occupiers past 30 days £340,547.00

Overall deficit during term £760,151.00

Estimate deficit/profit next term £282,946.00~ (deficit) under occupied conditions

Although to add to the above we have been able to add to UK funds with profits fairly recently from;

Monetary Market Trading: £36,282.73
Profits from Q7 Weapons buying/selling: £68,940.50

I'll intensify efforts to this extend to try to make up for the deficit with any luck and no dictatorship upkeep costs we might be able to use profits to break even.

Player Support / Education

New Player Support

Finally the usual reminder of current player support resource, schemes and guides

UK Tutorial

A reminder of the fantastic UK Tutorial mainly for new players however useful for all

'Help to Buy' a Q1 House scheme

All UK citizens should be using a Q1 house as currently, you should gain extra currency across the 7 days the house is active from working overtime, the house will allow you to regenerate energy quicker, and also boosts the total energy you can hold.

If you cannot afford a Q1 house please get in touch to see what support you can receive from my Government

Training Ground Loan Scheme

Upgrading your strength buildings is the best way to earn income as it allows you to receive Super Soldier medals much quicker. A Q4 Weights Room & Q4 Climbing Center (without any contract training) earns the most money of any training/contract combination. Together they will earn you 13.38g/month (0.446g/day) after you pay the daily training.

If you need a Training Ground loan (usually between 10 Gold and 30 Gold) please get in touch to see what support you can receive from my Government

Bank of England Monetary Market Trust

As a reminder, the Ministry of Finance is taking advantage of the gold price on the monetary market by operating a Bank of England Trust for citizens and allies to invest in.

Six citizens have invested into the Trust. The MoF place monetary market offers from a number of eUK Government Organisation reserved for use by the Bank of England. The monetary market profits have been agreed to be split 60% to the citizen and the remaining 40% for the Treasury to reinvest/store in reserves.

Please get in touch to discuss this further or declare your interested in investing into a Bank of England Trust.


I've written a lot of thoughts, provided some updates and placed the usual reminders of schemes. The hour is late where I am, so I have no doubt I've missed something or elements of what I have written require more clarity.

So, please ask any questions and I'll try to respond in a timely fashion.

In addition, I'm not opposed to criticism however I'd prefer them to be supported with observations and back-up with suggestions and ideas. I'd also warmly welcome initiatives and action.

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Country President of the United Kingdom