[eUK - CP] - Update Day 4,156

Day 4,156, 01:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street


Thank you to those who voted in yesterday's elections for the Country Presidency and especially those who voted in favour of me.

I felt I needed one more term to complete some of the tasks I've started however haven't completed yet, it's great to have continued support for these.

Although it's worth mentioning that the uniformity of the support I have received from the major political parties related to the threat of the undiscerning use of citizenship passes to achieve supermajority for one party in Congress. I think everyone in the UK can agree this should not be an approach any group in the UK should use. Yet we find ourselves in a delicate situation.

If you have come to the UK with good intentions be wary of those around you and decide if you want to be associated with that sort of activity. If you don't distance yourself from it, make your own decisions about your votes and don't candidate yourself to be one of our Congressional representatives to just accept random accounts into the UK.

Give our existing population time to accept you, yourself time to understand the political landscape of the UK before going for political positions and join our Military Units to work with and learn about our fighters, the UK has a great history of accepting foreign citizens and in return, those citizens have gone on and really helped the UK. So don't be afraid of integrating with us and do review the circumstance you find yourself in often.

Together we will improve the UK, opposed and in conflict won't benefit anyone.

Reminder of our British Armed Forces Coordination Channels

We have an in-game message involving citizens to coordinate UK damage for the UK and her allies. UK fighters can also ask questions, seek guidance and help about how best to coordinate your damage with other UK fighter - Please complete the British Armed Forces Coordination survey to be included.

We have a Discord server involving citizens. Here is a link to the British Armed Forces Coordination - Discord Server

The server channel structure simple;

Three "Command" channels where with permissions can post orders and links and those confirmed as UK fighters can check where you should be directing your damage in ground battles and aircraft battles for the UK or her allies and where to start resistance wars.

A general channel where UK fighters can post to ask questions, seek guidance and help about how best to coordinate your damage with other UK fighters

Please note until you complete the British Armed Forces Coordination survey and confirmed as a UK fighter your visibility of the server will be limited.

We have Telegram Group where you can check where you should be directing your damage in ground battles and aircraft battles for the UK or her allies. You can also ask questions, seek guidance and help about how best to coordinate your damage with other UK fighters. Click this link to join the British Armed Forces Command Group

Finally, the communication channels above will be used in conjunction with national wall feed shouts.

From humble beginnings, we can build something that can really help coordinate UK damage for the UK and her allies.

Finally, another request from me for you to please complete the British Armed Forces Coordination survey

This will help my Government create schemes to reward your military development and give out rewards to those who regularly attend coordinated strikes

UK Military coordination for Indonesia

We had one opportunity to use our improved military coordination to help Indonesia defend an attack by Thailand. UK fighters coordinated our damage in rounds 4 and 5 . We received thanks from Indonesia and I'd also like to thank all UK fighters who took part.

I hope to further increase the damage we can coordinate into targetted rounds for our allies and friends into the future.

Reminder of our Training War Agreements

We have agreed a few amendments with our training war partners Bulgaria, Macedonia and Romania to help manage determination bonus for you all to be aware of

With Bulgaria
Bulgaria wins direct battles in London, East of England and South East of England and the UK wins subsequent Resistance Wars battles. *Tip Resistance wars can be started 24 hours after the region has been conquered and are open for any UK citizen to start if you are located in the region

With Macedonia
Macedonia wins direct battles in West Midlands, South West of England and Wales and the UK wins subsequent Resistance Wars battles. *Tip Resistance wars can be started 24 hours after the region has been conquered and are open for any UK citizen to start if you are located in the region

With Romania
Romania holds East Midlands, Resistance Wars can be started however they will fail.

You may have already noticed a change to the location of our TW partners in the UK, so I hope this helps explain it.

People's Cabinet

Country President Office taking a direct overview of Defence, Foreign Affairs and Finance

Huey George (Country President) supported by Sir Humphrey Appleby (Prime Minister), CptChazbeard. and THE EMPRAH (Special Advisors)

This group will administer the basics of Government and ensure we are well represented on the international stage, meet the expectations of Government held by the UK citizenry.

Ministry of Defense - No political title appointed to one citizen

Instead, I will consult regularly with the Commanders, 2nd Commanders and Captains of the top MUs in the UK and with all UK fighters via the British Armed Forces Coordination Channels. I'll update the members of this message shortly.

Better cooperation and collaboration between us all will be the order of the term. Which I will continue to take a lead on.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - No political title appointed to one citizen

Direct matters of Foreign Affairs will be handled by myself and my team in the Country Presidency Office however what the UK is lacking is a regular dose of informative articles about the latest global situations.

With an obviously empty MoFA role, we all can become our own experts with articles published by anyone in the Foreign Office newspaper via submission to me.

Rewards of 100GBP to 10,000GBP are on offer for top quality articles plus I'll send all endorsements received for the article to the authour.

I'm also happy to be included into any group messages any citizen may hold with their foreign contacts which have neglected the need for a specific MoFA at times in the past so why not make this more apparent. From these group messages, we can then take ideas and suggestions to Congress for approval.

Ministry of Education - No political title appointed to one citizen

As with an obviously empty MoED role we all can become our own educators with articles published by anyone in the Home Affairs or Department of Work newspaper via submission to me.

Once again rewards of 100GBP to 10,000GBP are on offer for top quality articles plus I'll send all endorsements received for the article to the authour.

Ministry of Finance - I've not heard from Azidano for a little bit, so I'll handle all financial matters on my own this term. I will also publish one comprehensive finical report via the Bank of England news.

My aim with the People's Cabinet is to expand the network of citizens who collaborate on matters of defence, foreign affairs and education. Let's spread the work beyond a handful of individuals who happen to have a "title" or "position of power" and find popular leaders or opinion makers amongst our citizenry via increased activity in our media and with Congress.

Player Support / Education

Finally the usual reminder of current player support resource, schemes and guides

UK Tutorial

A reminder of the fantastic UK Tutorial mainly for new players however useful for all

'Help to Buy' a Q1 House scheme

All UK citizens should be using a Q1 house as currently, you should gain extra currency across the 7 days the house is active from working overtime, the house will allow you to regenerate energy quicker, and also boosts the total energy you can hold.

If you cannot afford a Q1 house please get in touch to see what support you can receive from my Government

Training Ground Loan Scheme

Upgrading your strength buildings is the best way to earn income as it allows you to receive Super Soldier medals much quicker. A Q4 Weights Room & Q4 Climbing Center (without any contract training) earns the most money of any training/contract combination. Together they will earn you 13.38g/month (0.446g/day) after you pay the daily training.

If you need a Training Ground loan (usually between 10 Gold and 30 Gold) please get in touch to see what support you can receive from my Government

Bank of England Monetary Market Trust

As a reminder, the Ministry of Finance is taking advantage of the gold price on the monetary market by operating a Bank of England Trust for citizens and allies to invest in.

Six citizens have invested into the Trust. The MoF place monetary market offers from a number of eUK Government Organisation reserved for use by the Bank of England. The monetary market profits have been agreed to be split 60% to the citizen and the remaining 40% for the Treasury to reinvest/store in reserves.

Please get in touch to discuss this further or declare your interested in investing into a Bank of England Trust.


Sorry once again for the lack of images. Get in touch or comment if there is an issue important to you that you'd like my Government to address or look into.

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Country President of the United Kingdom