[eUK - CP] - Update Day 4,135

Day 4,135, 18:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street


In my first update of the term, I introduced setting up a coordinated strikes scheme along the lines of damage/kills recorded in targetted strikes leading to financial reward or supplies and multiplied if you attend consecutively or a percentage of total air or ground strikes designated by Government across a period.

In this update, I will launch a brief survey to seek UK citizens who wish enrol into a UK based military coordination/development scheme and/or help establish direct military communication with those UK citizens who would like to receive orders more directly from the Government.

British Armed Forces Coordination survey

Please complete the British Armed Forces Coordination survey

I will discuss the results with my Cabinet and Congress and bring improve military communication and a coordinated strike /military development scheme online based on the responses I receive.

We have been very good at this in the past, so I'd like to try and rekindle our past success.

My current thoughts are currently considering rewards of between £10 to £75 per kill in designated battle rounds with additional "rank-up" rewards.

Ireland Natural Enemy Law Proposal

Ireland has passed a natural enemy law proposal https://www.erepublik.com/en/main/law/Ireland/217825

I'm in discussion with Congress, my cabinet and our allies and friends in other nations about a coordinated response to this unprovoked act of aggression or whatever it may be badge as by others.

We are fairly prepared for any attack and it remains my strong preference to maintain cordial relations with Ireland and not enter into any Training War agreement with them. It's best for both our countries that the current status quo between Ireland and the United Kingdom should be maintained. However if it's war they seek, I feel confident the UK with the support of her allies will prove a difficult opponent.

UK citizens and other friendly citizens please prioritise your efforts for the United Kingdom against Ireland.

Training War Agreements

A reminder of our training war agreements

With Bulgaria
Bulgaria wins direct battles in North West of England, West Midlands and Wales and the UK wins subsequent Resistance Wars battles. *Tip Resistance wars can be started 24 hours after the region has been conquered and are open for any UK citizen to start if you are located in the region

With Macedonia
Macedonia wins direct battles in East of England, East Midlands and South East of England and the UK wins subsequent Resistance Wars battles. *Tip Resistance wars can be started 24 hours after the region has been conquered and are open for any UK citizen to start if you are located in the region

With Romania
Romania holds Yorkshire and Humberside, Resistance Wars can be started however they will fail.

Player Support / Education

A reminder of current player support resource, schemes and guides

UK Tutorial

A reminder of the fantastic UK Tutorial mainly for new players however useful for all

'Help to Buy' a Q1 House scheme

All UK citizens should be using a Q1 house as currently, you should gain extra currency across the 7 days the house is active from working overtime, the house will allow you to regenerate energy quicker, and also boosts the total energy you can hold.

If you cannot afford a Q1 house please get in touch to see what support you can receive from my Government

Training Ground Loan Scheme

Upgrading your strength buildings is the best way to earn income as it allows you to receive Super Soldier medals much quicker. A Q4 Weights Room & Q4 Climbing Center (without any contract training) earns the most money of any training/contract combination. Together they will earn you 13.38g/month (0.446g/day) after you pay the daily training.

If you need a Training Ground loan (usually between 10 Gold and 30 Gold) please get in touch to see what support you can receive from my Government

Bank of England Monetary Market Trust

As a reminder, the Ministry of Finance is taking advantage of the gold price on the monetary market by operating a Bank of England Trust for citizens and allies to invest in.

Six citizens have invested into the Trust. The MoF place monetary market offers from a number of eUK Government Organisation reserved for use by the Bank of England. The monetary market profits have been agreed to be split 60% to the citizen and the remaining 40% for the Treasury to reinvest/store in reserves.

Please get in touch to discuss this further or declare your interested in investing into a Bank of England Trust.


Sorry once again for the brevity of my article and lack of images. Generally this term has been a quite however productive one. Get in touch or comment if there is an issue important to you that you'd like my Government to address or look into.

Thanks for reading

Huey George
Country President of the United Kingdom