[eUK - CP] - Update Day 4,112

Day 4,112, 10:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street


More than half of my term has gone by, so I figured it’s time to give you an update.
Things have been mostly quiet so I saw no point in writing more often, aside from trying to look more active.

So, here are the updates.

Training Wars

TWs with Bulgaria and Macedonia are going rather smoothly, there was one hiccup with Bulgaria a few days ago, but we were close to winning the direct battle and if RW was successful, we would have removed them from our regions.

At the start of my term, Romania released Scotland, they didn’t want too many regions with high determination. Y&H is still in their hands for us to take advantage of their bonuses.

Foreign Affairs

We renewed MPP with France. Most of our MPPs were dropped, but our MoFA keeps in touch with allies.

We also had an offer from Ireland for “Wargames”, basically less restricted TW but there wasn’t much interest for that. And their current problems with Bulgaria probably shifted their attention from this idea.

Israel offered another TW in our regions, but we hardly take advantage of those we currently have so no.

We did receive an invitation to join Nebula alliance, it was presented to Congress and there wasn’t a single vote in favor.


We transferred some cash to the Bank of England from country accounts.

The housing project will happen but it needed some refinement. A Q1 house for everyone wasn’t viable. Go figure.

Game Events

There was that Valentine day event, but if you haven’t noticed that, the chances are you won’t notice this article also.

Take care.