[eUK - CP] - Update Day 4,001

Day 4,001, 14:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street


Evening all, once again I find myself well overdue an update article as it's almost been 10 days.

However please do remember you can check on the many facets of Government activity here in the eUK Public Records of Government Decisions and Spend. I do regularly keep this as up to date so if you ever wonder what Government has been doing between updates, keep this link handy.

Day 4,000

I hope you all enjoyed the Day 4,000 celebrations and found as much fun and profit as I did.

Our training war agreements certainly allowed plenty of opportunities to farm gold, pumpkins, prestige points and an achievement whilst gaining true patriot points.

It has also brought us the Day 4,000 Media Contest.


Something you should consider an entry for. The eUK is full of talented article writers, so time to take to the world stage.

Suspected Training War Agreements

The Government needs to do better in informing you about foreign affairs. This is another initial step to do so better. By "suspected" I mean I haven't been able to find out officially in all cases however a cursory glance over the "War History" suggests these likely order/conditions in some on-going wars by our allies. If I'm wrong in any cases please don't hesitate to ask me to amend, I will also review and update this regularly on the eUK Public Records of Government Decisions and Spend.

How many did I get right, all I hope. . .

Foreign Affairs and MPPs

I've continued to have Congressional support, to strengthened our MPP stack to provide us with a more certain future in this new world and to draft in some support in managing any training wars when needed.

We've not be asked to show our value as good allies yet however, we eagerly wait for an opportunity to better direct UK fighter in supporting allies via MPPs when requested by our allies.

Since my last update we've signed MPPs with;


My Government will continue to explore with Congress opportunities to sign further MPPs. It is an aim of my Government to more fully utilise the amount of Allied Forces we can deploy.

Budget Report

Congressional approved MPPs
Budget £130,000.00
Budget Remaining £70,000.00
Total Spend £60,000.00

Budget £800,000.00
Budget Remaining £775,000.00
Total Spend £25,000.00

'Help to Buy' a Q1 House scheme
Budget - £62,000.00
Budget Remaining £57,500.00
Total Spend £4,500.00

Bank of England Monetary Market Trust and Government Monetary Market Activity
Budget - £1,954,199.02
Profits - £296,645.98

Training Ground Loans
Budget 150.00 Gold
Budget Remaining 140.00 Gold
Total Currently Loaned 10.00 Gold

Budget - £400,000.00
Budget Remaining £400,000.00
Total Spend £0.00

Next days focus

"What you want" - A big benefit of a democracy is I'm here to represent your needs, so happy to take suggestions on where my Government's focus should be.

I'm still very much looking forward to working with our Congressional members on matters of foreign affairs, player support and what passions and motivations they have. With the speakership decided and Day 4,000 behind us, I think a quiet partnership so far will so ignite into a potentially fruitful partnership.

With only a handful of days till the end of term I should also mention I'd also very much like to continue as your country president. I'll be the last to suggest I've "lit many fireworks" this term, however, I have;

introduced eUK Public Records of Government Decisions and Spend to keep and share records of Government decisions and spend to increase accountability and transparency

re-establish some of our foreign policy position with Congressional Input

maintained and managed Training Wars underpinned by universally known agreements underpinned by a cohesive foreign affairs policy

continued the 'Help to Buy' a Q1 House scheme introduced by this article - [MoF] - UK Tutorial - Work and Houses / Help to Buy Q1

maintain the Bank of England Monetary Market Trust and Government Monetary Market Activity

continued the Player Support Programme of Training Ground Loans

Provided UK fighters. . .

although perhaps I've not provided UK fighters with enough opportunities to participant substantively more in pulse-raising. . .


Thanks for reading

I once again find myself questioning if I've covered all aspects that I've been involved with in enough detail however once again I will be responsive to any questions you may have of me.

Huey George
Country President of the United Kingdom