[eUK - CP] - Update Day 3,991

Day 3,991, 16:20 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street


Evening all, I am well overdue an update article as it's been a couple of weeks. So time for some words.

However please do remember you can check on the many facets of Government activity here in the eUK Public Records of Government Decisions and Spend. I do regularly keep this as up to date so if you ever wonder what Government has been doing between updates, keep this link handy.

UK/Croatia/Greece/Ireland Training War Agreement

As you'll be aware swathes of the UK are once again free and there are ongoing organised battles taking place. This is as a result of our Training War agreement with Croatia, Greece and Ireland is all put in place with training wars with Greece and Croatia already started and taking place.

Full details of Training War Agreement

UK core regions (Not to be occupied during TWs)
Scotland, North East of England & Yorkshire and Humberside

Greece / UK Training War
West Midlands, South West of England & North West of England – Greece wins directs, UK wins RWs

Croatia / UK Training War
East Midlands, South East of England and London – Croatia wins directs, UK wins RWs

Ireland / UK Training War
Ireland hold Northern Ireland for ping-pong Training war with Scotland (Ireland defends Northern Ireland, Attacks Scotland, UK defends Scotland attacks Northern Ireland and so forth)

Wales and East of England
Wales held by Ireland, Greece or Croatia for TWs needs
East of England held by Ireland for a border to Europe

Extra Conditions
All UK tax revenue lost during TWs and agreed occupation to be returned by Croatia, Greece and Ireland

This agreement is for 2 months and will be revised on the 7 December 2018.

Our Training War Benefits

As a reminder this agreement is good for the UK when compared to the most realistic alternatives as it'll bring;

> More opportunity for gold for UK fighters
> An increase in our medal revenue stream
> A return of UK tax revenue when under occupation
> Government's focus can be working with Congress and others to look to improve our player support and community.
> Congressional Representation

Foreign Affairs and MPPs

With Congressional support, my Government has strengthened our MPP stack to provide us with a more certain future in this new world and to draft in some support in managing any training wars when needed. This could be especially if training war requirements require the UK to win direct battles.

My Government also feels the need to re-show our value as good allies so it'd be good to be able to better direct UK fighter in supporting allies via MPPs when requested by our allies.

So far we've signed MPPs with;


My Government will continue to explore with Congress opportunities to sign further MPPs. It is an aim of my Government to more fully utilise the amount of Allied Forces we can deploy.

Budget Report

Congressional approved MPPs
Budget £130,000.00
Budget Remaining £80,000.00
Total Spend £50,000.00

Budget £800,000.00
Budget Remaining £800,000.00
Total Spend £0.00

'Help to Buy' a Q1 House scheme
Budget - £62,000.00
Budget Remaining £57,500.00
Total Spend £4,500.00

Bank of England Monetary Market Trust and Government Monetary Market Activity
Budget - £1,954,199.02 not including re-cycled profits

Training Ground Loans
Budget 150.00 Gold
Budget Remaining 130.00 Gold
Total Currently Loaned 20.00 Gold

Budget - £400,000.00
Budget Remaining £400,000.00
Total Spend £0.00

Next days focus

My Government will work with the newly elected Congressional members and those who retained their seats on matters of foreign affairs, player support and what passions and motivations that drove them to click the "candidate" button to attract your votes.

My Government with help prepare the Country for whatever Halloween, Day 4000, eRep Anniversary and Black Friday may bring. Individually, if you are a producer certainly food I'd carefully consider any marketplace listings you hold or will put on in the next couple of weeks. As there could be some larger than normal profits to be had.

"What you want" - A big benefit of a democracy is I'm here to represent your needs, so happy to take suggestions on where my Government's focus should be.


Thanks for reading

I probably could have covered more, so please do ask me any questions you may have of your Government and I will try and address them.

Huey George
Country President of the United Kingdom