[eUK - CP] - Update Day 3,977

Day 3,977, 15:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by 10 Downing Street


Evening all, it's been 5 days since you went to the polls and elected me as your Country President. Thank you to all those who voted and to those who cast their vote for me.

I was hoping this address would come sooner, however, I had been. . .

on a few things to get into a more interesting position to update you all on. However, I feel we are still in a "press start" position this.

However, I should share with you all as when I say we've been waiting this isn't too say, Chaz, Azidano and I have been idle.

We've been in discussion with Greece and Croatia about potential training wars agreements, in discussions with a variety of countries to strengthen friendships, find out about their situation and get the UK talked about. We've been reopening and utilising mass mail for MoD purposes. We've introduced and had some initial discussion with Congress about foreign affairs (primarily on the topic of supporting Indonesia), the structure of Congressional Democracy, preparing for the upcoming TG Loans Promo and our spending budget for the term. We've been running currency offers on the monetary market to generate gold to sell at profit.

As a reminder, I ran on the premise that in a democracy, the principle of accountability holds that government officials — whether elected or appointed by those who have been elected — are responsible to the citizenry for their decisions and actions.

So all whilst this article will highlight some key points of our activity it's all recorded here in the eUK Public Records of Government Decisions and Spend for your review. I do also try and keep this as up to date as possible so if you ever wonder what Government has been doing between updates, keep this link handy.

UK Situation and Training War prospects

Discussions have stalled with both Croatia and Greece with a number of days since we've had a response from an official from either country. While there is an appreciation that both Croatia and Greece are likely busy with other priorities. All citizens in all our countries are missing out on an extra opportunity to havest TW gold with matters as they are so we've tried to once again ignite discussions with the aim to resolve matters soon.


Congressional approved MPPs

Budget - £130,000.00

MoD to fight against invasion (via land borders or airstrikes and TWs), to help manage agreed training wars and support allies in critical battles

Budget - £800,000.00

Continue the 'Help to Buy' a Q1 House scheme introduced by this article - [MoF] - UK Tutorial - Work and Houses / Help to Buy Q1

Budget - £62,000.00

Maintain the Bank of England Monetary Market Trust and Government Monetary Market Activity- As a reminder, the Ministry of Finance is taking advantage of the gold price on the monetary market by operating a Bank of England Trust for citizens and allies to invest in and using national organisation using only Government funds.

Budget - £1,954,199.02 not including re-cycled profits

Continue the Player Support Programme of Training Ground Loans with Home Affairs Select Committee oversight.

Budget - 150 Gold

Stockpile supplies with a Munitions Select Committee Oversight

Budget - £400,000.00

A fund to support eUK citizens who lose out on production after the loss of our regions with compensation with oversight.

Budget - £250,000.00 - No policy yet on this and it might be shelved with funds directed elsewhere.

Next days focus

Continue to have patience and trust whilst trying to progress training war agreement/s that remains our best option to see the UK free and a source for citizens to generate gold via TP/BH/SH/CH achievements.

Continue to hear about the situation in other countries and share the UK's situation. Identifying where we can mutually support each other.

With a training, war agreement is in place really progress re-establishing our foreign policy position with Congressional input.

Player support schemes proposed in my manifesto and the MoD introductory "rant".

"What you want" - A big benefit of a democracy is I'm here to represent your needs, so happy to take suggestions on where my Government's focus should be.

Further Reading

[eUK - MoFA] - Announcement of Government

[UK MoD] Introductory Rant


Thanks for reading

I appreciate that it may seem like this term has been mostly talking so far with no noticeable change for an average UK citizen, however, we have been working hard and hopefully, our hard work will deliver well-earned results soon.

Huey George
Country President of the United Kingdom