[eTürkiye V2 : 11th day] Hey Brazil ! Turkiye is greeting to you o/

Day 852, 13:29 Published in Brazil United Kingdom by burakkocamis

..flag of Brazil..


I have been publishing daily articles in Türkiye for 11 days.I've just realized something that it will be great publishing a daily article in a different PHOENIX country everyday.So,we can establish a better connection.

Fifth station is Brazil... ..

There will be photos from Brazil and Turkiye both...

News from eTurkiye

I would like to inform you about news of eTurkiye ...

..Christ the Redeemer,Brazil..

New Q5 Hospital at Marmara

We have just built a Q5 hospital in Marmara where over 1000 people live.Marmara also includes Istanbul which is the most crowded city of Turkiye.So,an high quality hospital was needed there.

Issuing 100.000 TRY

Turkiye congress is voting on a law which proposes to issue 100.000 TRY for 500 Gold.We are issuing that money for babyboom and getting TRY into our bank.500 Gold is financed by economical solutions of statement from people.

..Elano Blumer from Galatasaray..

About Babyboom

We are preparing for a babyboom.Our campaigns will be started on Monday.We will start our advertisiments in a few days.Please,vote it : http://www.erepublik.com/tr/article/-et-rkiye-v2-11-g-n-neml-1-babyboom-seferberlik-kampanyas--1261815/1/20

We want to help you more with our bigger population...

..İstiklal Caddesi (Independence Street) , Istanbul..

Locating in Mediterranean

All Turkish citizens are locating in Mediterranean.We must invest money into our own economy.We are going to invest new things in borders of our country.

I also invite you all to make investment in Turkiye or work in Turkiye.We can help you as we could do the best.

..Alex De Souza,Fenerbahçe..

As i told antonio before,Turkiye will own Texas in last days of August : don't you believe ? 😃

.."Stop,traveller!These lands ,you stand on and even don't know where, are the place where an era was finished."..

..from Çanakkale..


Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkiye
Deputy Secretary-General in Beta Division of PHOENIX, burakkocamis

Türkçe versiyon:http://www.erepublik.com/tr/article/-et-rkiye-v2-11-g-n-neml-1-babyboom-seferberlik-kampanyas--1261815/1/20

http://erepmarket.com/counter/counter.php"> 21.03.2010