[ESO] ApronChef for Congress

Day 1,707, 07:00 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ApronChef

I am running as a candidate for Every Singe One [ESO] for London on 25/07/2012.

Now, for a bit about me:

I understand the workings of Government and most of its internal AND external functions quite well. I’m a player who runs on principles; what is acceptable and unacceptable.

My previous experience:

1 x Every Single One Party President.
1 x Congressman for Yorkshire and Humberside.
1 x Minister of Home Affairs.
1 x Deputy Minister of Finance.

I also help players old and new on a regular basis on nearly every topic in the game; economics, politics, military and community.

I always listen to those who take the time to speak to me about their concerns or just a general chat. If you have something you wish to contact me about, feel free to do so, either via in-game private messaging or catch me on IRC [Rizon server] and I will be more than pleased to talk with you.

What I offer to parliament and those who vote [or do not vote] me:

I am a person who loves to study the facts behind nearly everything, I nearly always bring some information to the table to assist in debate and calm argument. I disagree heavily with unfair treatment, both by others getting treated unfairly, the act of someone treating someone differently to me even if I am treated better than them is unacceptable, and I will move towards influencing the issue to make it balanced and fair for all those involved.

Activity; I am a very active person, with daily visits to the eRepublik, the eUK forums, and visits to IRC [Rizon server].

I will be grateful of all the support I get, and if I should win, I will serve in the interest of the eUK.

London > Every Single One [ESO] > ApronChef > Vote

Lots of Love;