[eNL] Division of Assets During the Union

Day 858, 13:51 Published in Netherlands Belgium by Manong Rizal
Statement Regarding the Division of Assets During the Union

I. Preamble

We, the government of eBelgium, headed by the Prime Minister, elynea, hereby declare our starting positions and solutions for the negotiations regarding the Division of Assets during the Union of eBelgium and eNetherlands. We are also open for further negotiations thus all of our conditions, terms, pleas, and recommendations are all negotiable.

We, the government of eBelgium, also appoint Manong Rizal, advisor and confidant to the Prime Minister, and Romper, representative of the Free Belgium Party, as negotiators to carry our statement and negotiate with the government of the eNetherlands in reaching an agreement of diplomatic and lucrative terms.

We, the government, humbly ask for the representatives of the government of the eNetherlands to continue negotiations if any of our terms are disagreeable to the nation's governing body.

II. Terms

As agreed upon by former governments, by rightful kindness, by good virtue, and with the abolishment of the union of eBelgium and eNetherlands that started on April 2009 and ended on January 2010, we, the government of eBelgium, humbly request the division of assets of the former eUnited Netherlands.

Thus we present our terms and solutions.

a. We request a full 50% division of the 33,000 BEF and any other monetary account that may apply. We also request a full 50% division in acquisition and rights for all the companies that may apply. Any companies in our possession will be kept by us, but we, the government of eBelgium, will compensate the government of eNetherlands by paying half of the companies' worth (25 gold for the two companies in our possession) thus eNetherlands will also compensate the government of eBelgium by paying us half of the companies (that may apply) in their possession's worth. And due to the unreasonable behavior that our former representatives of the past negotiations presented, we are also more than willing to pay an additional fee of 25 gold.


b. We return the two Q1 companies in our possession but receive the full 50% of the 33,000 BEF and any other monetary account that may apply and also the full 50% division of the remaining companies' worth that may apply. We are also, still, more than willing to pay the additional fee of 25 gold due to the unreasonable behavior that our former representatives of the past negotiations presented.

III. Estimation of Subjective Assets During the Union

These are the estimated assets according to information from Apotygma, former Minister of State Companies. Some of the information may be incomplete thus we ask the representatives of eNetherlands to share their input.

General Assets in Gol😛
519.84 G (500.17 G; +19.67) (+/-)

General Assets in Local currencies:
81921,54 NLG (97257.98 NLG; -15336.44) (+/-)
29510.85 BEF (29510.85 BEF; no change) (+/-)

Other State Companies and Org with gold and local currencies(in which eBelgian finances contributed to):
* http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/1004291
* http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/1844897
* http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/1845276
* http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/365642
* http://www.erepublik.com/en/organization/1004181

IV. Conclusion

We sincerely apologize for the unreasonable behavior that our government presented during the past negotiations. However, we assure you that the behavior were all due to miscommunication and a few misunderstandings here and there. We hope that the government of eNetherlands remember the kindness they showed us before and the friendship between our two nations that remained for so long.

If and only if the government of eNetherlands agree upon either one of the terms above, we will then discuss how to continue a safe and diplomatic transaction which includes the listing of all existing and tangible assets.

If and only if the government of eNetherlands do NOT agree upon either one of the terms, we hope that they will still continue the negotiations for we are MORE than willing to amend our terms.

With this, we conclude our first official statement regarding the division of assets during the union of eBelgium and eNetherlands.

signed, Manong Rizal, negotiator

signed, Romper, negotiator

proposal approved by Elynea, Prime Minister of eBelgium