[English] We call YOU to join our protest ...

Day 638, 03:00 Published in Ukraine Bosnia and Herzegovina by Tannin

INFO: This article is copy of main article, so if you could click here and cast VOTE to go in TOP5 International news. The main article is published in Columbia where Admin lives.

Day 638 of the New World, good morning fellow citizens of the New World. I'm writing this because there is no Admin answer on Open letter posted by me in the name of eBosnia and Herzegovina citizens.

Short history of problems.
If you are thinking what this guy writes about here it is...

After i stepped on the soil of the country where I was born and live in Real Life eBiH. I saw that there is no wood sector in the country. It is strange because BiH is one of the main exporter of quality wood in Europe and in the year 1997 (only 1 year after WAR here) we had 2% of the world wood export. We have presented our case in Open letter and after more than 300 strong petition signing the admin's didn't answer us! Now we are taking this fight all over the world. We just want WOOD sector like in REAL Life.

Short history about this problem:

- Day 626 of the New World, eBiH is starting petition on the Open Letter section
- Day 630 of the New World, we are putting this petition on the eRepublik suggest.
- Day 632 of the New World, we are advertising both petitions in local newspappers.
- Day 636 of the New World, we are going over Game Support to acknowledge the official protest of the eBiH citizens.
- Day 636 of the New World, Admins deleted all tickets without even trying to give us any answer or explanation!
- Day 638 of the New World, starting action World Wide Wood for e.Bosnia and Herzegovina.

I call you to join us in the protest
So what can YOU all do about this matter.

We understand that we are not in the middle of conflicts in the New World, but we are in the new world too. Admins you can't just ignore us. We just want answer so if you please can help us by signing this petition:
- Open letter for wood in eBiH

sign petition on eRepublik suggest:
- eRepublik suggestion

There is no common sense in the acts of admin, because some players get reply on their topic on first page of open letter and in our petition after 30 pages, there is no answer! So this is OUR S.O.S. to the New Worl😛 Join us in our protest! We will not yield till justice is served.

And also you can help us by sending ticket to the admins:

Click on this link. Go to Submit a Ticket after that from the section Select department chose Game Support and click on NEXT. Fill out form like this:
Priority: Critical

Message Details:
Subject: PROTEST: Wood resources for eBiH

Body of the message should be:

Admins this is official protest of citizen's of The New World about answering Open letter for wood sector in eBiH. They have presented strong case in Open letter and you didn't even condescend them with your answer. Visit: http://www.erepublik.com/en/forum/topic/116790/wood-resources-for-ebih-first-open-letter/1 and answer them!

It should look something like this:

And click SUBMIT

Info about wood in the eBiH
This are the links where you can find info about forests and wood export in BiH


The people of eBosnia and Herzegovina!