Day 483, 18:12 Published in Hungary Indonesia by Elros Elrond

One bright spring day on February...

dsalageanu thought: "It would be better if I TO Indonesia. That way, my worst enemy will be erased from the face of the earth and I can retire rich and retire young."
And he told his people his mind, and they all rallied on his brilliant idea!

Meanwhile in Jakarta, Aban thought: "It would be better if we TO Rumania! I can wipe them and have my moustache engraved in history as the Aban the Yellow Swiper!"
And he told his people his plan, and they all rejoiced hearing his brilliant plan!

So, thousands and thousands of tickets were purchased, even with neck-breaking prices...
They even transported the tickets by bulk using aeroplanes! What an irony!

On the president election day, the UGD party implant in Indonesia: (UGD - Google Crunchlatored as Unit Gawat Darurat) proposed Sebahmah as the Indonesian president!
While IDS party implant in Romania disguised as Indigenous Domestic Service or PRA proposed Nicosianipar as Romanian president!

The Result!!??

Sebahmah becomes presiden of Indonesia!!
Nicosianipar deveni Preşedintele României

At once the world shook! Media spams, babies crying, crows flying, companies bursting, congress either resign or plea for impeachment! Alas the congress was too confused even to vote!

They call Nicosianipar in Romania as cârnaţi, rupt creionul, diversionist, manie, si diavolul.
Sedang Sebahmah disebut sebagai sapi, singkong, penyusup, tukang granat, editor, sama aburizal

The first day of presidency, they were going to their office when they were showered with rotten eggs, tortillas, molotovs, and several tawur stones

They entered office, and the secretary sai😛 Mr. President, you have to choose cabinets. Poor both of them! When Nicosianipar entered the he saw the thin-lipped and furious Han Solo, Malika Ela, dsalageanu, Mistwalker, etc. When Sebahmah entered the Bina Graha, he saw the incensed aban, bima, flik_kenni, etc. And he has to pick ministers from these?

Nico could only say: bună dimineaţa
Sebahmah hanya bisa ngomong: Selamat pagi
That's the only phrase they could remember from their google-crankslator booklet

So both said shut the conference room door and both said to the secretary: "Call Nico/Sebah! I want him to pick the ministers for me!"
One problem solved! But thousands followed...

So, the president had to telephone each other so often and dictated each other orders in front of their staff broken romania and bahasa...

In the end, this made both of them furious and annoyed...

Sebahmah was the first one fed up with rainy season, corrupt officials, and Java batik keris, he phoned Nico who was fed up limba romana, musaca, and endless column.

"How's your day huh?" Hostile Sebahmah asked cynically.
"Luaaaarr biasaa!! Ups... I mean Greaaaaaaaaaaaaat!" Nico pretended just to humiliate Sebah.
Nico pura-pura oke meski menderita cuma demi menghina Sebah.

"Porcule!" Offended and feeling inferior, Sebah groaned, "I swear I'm gonna crush Indonesia! Starting with India and Pakistan!"

"Oh yeah? I will hand out Hungarian regions for free including the gold!!" Nico shouted back!

"J#$ncuk!" Sebahmah who was deeply influenced by his Surabayan secretary, Inez, howled, "I am gonna make drop Western Siberia and your Xinjiang!"
"....... gak usah terjemahin..." Sebahmah yang terpengaruh sekretaris asal suroboyonya, Inez, meraung, "Gua bakal ancurin WS sama Xinjiang!"

"Tu canalie!" Nico refused to lose, "I will drain the treasury! I'm gonna donate every cent to Magyar! I will join PEACE! I will raise taxes to all 99%"

"P%$rek!" Sebahmah who obviously had sunken to Jakarta Undercover level, screamed, "I'll join ATLANTIS! I will make Aussies destroy your land! I will steal your money and throw it to Malaysia!"

"Fiu al unui hoţ!" Nico shouted while reading from phrase book, "I;m so gonna call Quicksilver to skin all romanian hides while I push retreat, retreat, retreat! We'll see who laughed in Budapest!"

Realizing they are both on the verge of losing both countries, they sweated, and they began to connect, "(fear) there's no need to go that far! Actually Jakarta is not that bad..."
"Bucharest is nice! Steaua Bucureşti is cool!"


Nico broke the silence, "What are you thinking now?"
"....^#&*( lost in translation) I'm so gonna strangle dsalageanu! How about you?"
"I wanna injak-injak Aban! Sigh... Actually yours truly is before me wanna me shoot him? I am dictator you know!"
"And Aban is on the next room with Inez, wanna have a go on him using my hand Q5 revolver?"


Both presidents smirked...
Nico said, "Matza!"
Sebah said, "Stubuh!"

That's the start of a beautiful cooperation between the two gentlemans...

---- from a ghost 😃