[EN/RO] Active population data

Day 676, 08:23 Published in Romania Romania by leandros

In this article I will try to present you some data regarding the real active population of each country, and the population dynamics. Since I think that the population data tool is not relevant (because of the dead and inactive people), I thought about looking at the number of voters in every country for the last 4 months (presidential and congress elections).

I gathered the data from 12 countries, and at the end I will offer some of my conclusions, but I think you will be able to get your own conclusions too.


Presidential elections

June: 1894
July: 1901
August: 2405
September: 2544

Congress elections:

June: 1700
July: 1744
August: 2637
September: 2491

Note: We can see an increase in the number of voters in Romania from month to month. Not a dramatic increase as there was no baby boom, but a healthy increase. Also, keep in mind that many Romanians moved to Moldavia during the last elections.


Presidential elections:

June: 5149
July: 2856
August: 2448
September: 2159

Congress elections:

June: 2611
July: 2612
August: 2403
September: 2196

Note: Excluding July, when there were a lot of voters, because of Victor Petrescu running for presidency, we can still see a dramatic decrease in Indonesia's active population. It is the only top country that saw such a decrease.
However, even if Indonesia seems to decline, there are still many voters there every month.


Presidential elections:

June: 3002
July: 4187
August: 4307
September: 3881

Congress elections:

June: 3401
July: 2832
August: 4466
September: 3964

Note: Hungary's data is hard to interpret since before citizenship was introduced, Hungary had some active mobile voting troops, and even in September they sent troops to Moldavia to TO it.


Presidential elections:

June: 707
July: 1547
August: 1099
September: 2989

Congress elections:

June: 712
July: 1777
August: 2631
September: 2061

Note: Many people are making fun of the French baby boom, however there were many voters in September in France. However we see a decrease at the congressional elections from August to September, but we shall see what the future holds for France.


Presidential elections:

June: 950
July: 1942
August: 1048
September: 1862

Congress elections:

June: 4438
July: 329
August: 1563
September: 1874

Note: Healthy increase from month to month (July presidential data and June congressional data is bigger due to the PTO). However Croatia is getting stronger every month.


Presidential elections:

June: 1265
July: 1303
August: 2037
September: 2099

Congress elections:

June: 1281
July: 1584
August: 1749
September: 2845

Note: The data says it all. Spain is now more active politically than in the previous months.


Presidential elections:

June: 3382
July: 3377
August: 4508
September: 3488

Congress elections:

June: 3240
July: 3034
August: 3248
September: 3462


Presidential elections:

June: 462
July: 1123
August: 2144
September: 2881

Congress elections:

June: 487
July: 1632
August: 2704
September: 3316

Note: One of the biggest increases. Serbia had a baby boom, and it capitalized on it very well. There were more than 5 times more voters in September's presidential elections than in June's.


Presidential elections:

June: 475
July: 1217
August: 2498
September: 2569

Congress elections:

June: 472
July: 1603
August: 2557
September: 2259

Note: Along with Serbia, Russia experienced one of the biggest growths in terms of voters.


Presidential elections:

June: 1076
July: 1001
August: 1114
September: 1317

Congress elections:

June: 1027
July: 867
August: 1226
September: 1306

Note: Small but steady increase.


Presidential elections:

June: 1341
July: 1091
August: 2038
September: 2412

Congress elections:

June: 2166
July: 1486
August: 2285
September: 2663


Presidential elections:

June: 768
July: 861
August: 925
September: 1002

Congress elections:

June: 760
August: 955
September: 968


I think there are some interesting things we can see by looking at this raw data:

1.Indonesia is less and less active month by month. Still, they can't be neglected, their power relies in their tanks from a military point of view.
2.Did anybody notice how many voters there were in Serbia in September? 3316. Only in Hungary and in the USA, there were more voters. And we should consider that they tried TO'ing some countries too.
3.Hungary is by far the most active country, there are over 3000 voters during every elections.

Versiune in limba romana:

Am dorit sa fac o scurta analiza in ceea ce priveste populatia activa din principalele tari din erepublik. Insa populatia afisata pe site, include si cetatenii mai putin activi, pe cale sa moara etc. Astfel, am considerat ca un indicator bun pentru a masura populatia activa si dinamica acesteia sunt votantii. Am cules datele din ultimele 4 luni din 12 tari din erepublik si am tras unele concluzii. Cu siguranta voi veti putea trage mai multe concluzii decat mine.

Statisticile le gasiti mai sus (nu doresc sa dau paste la ele pentru a nu aglomera articolul). Concluziile principale sunt:

1.Populatia activa a Indoneziei scade de la luna la luna. Totusi nu trebuie neglijati, ei sunt puternici dpdv militar, datorita tankurilor.
2.Serbia e un caz interesant. La alegerile de ieri, au avut al 3-lea numar de alegatori din toata lumea, fiind devansati doar de Ungaria si SUA. Populatia lor a crescut dramatic.
3.Ungaria are aproape de fiecare data peste 3000 alegatori.
Mai multe concluzii puteti trage si voi prin commenturi.