[en/ch] Letter for PH

Day 1,397, 06:21 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by JulianScorpion

To dear PH citizens:

I don't know how much RL-PHers are there in your country. But now you choose this place for your hometown in e-world, I believe that you are respectable because you love your e-country.

From our viewing, we think the opinion on public affairs from your president and predecessor president. I can doubt that If our dispute were appear from poor communication and cognitive differences, then the only reason why we fight today is your government’s lack of good faith and inconsistencies .

I strongly want to ask the PH government for some questions:

Were there any training war in the world should EMPLOYMENT MERCENARIES TO INVASION OUR CORE RESOURCES LAND? You open another battle field SO FAST TO CONQUEST OUR LANDS?

Your predecessor president propose "SINCERE" compensate (without apologize). I am a layman in foreign exchange market, but I don't think only 10000 CC can offset our loss.

Why you think our president and diplomat have no responsible to parliament ? Why you think they can do whatever they want?

If our citizen didn't support us, how do we dare to fight with neighbor country ?

President of PH, You are welcome to keep provoke feelings between the two countries with public statements. My advocate was leniency return lands before your ridiculous words appeared .

Now, I think we should claim our military use powerful tanks to teach " THE ART OF TALKING " to your dear president .

eR.O.C Members of Parliament JulianScorpion











eROC國會議員 JulianScorpion