[Elections] Running for re-election

Day 591, 18:11 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Nagyzee

Hello everyone!

I'd like to announce that I'm running for another term as president of eMalaysia. To be honest it was an easy decision as I love this community and it's a pleasure working with and for you. I also feel that there is still a lot to do, including some things that I promised but couldn't get around to finish/implement them up until now.


I still find transparency, good communication and teamwork most important as these strengthen our community and provides a chance for all people to look behind the curtain and see how things are run and for many to be a part of the decision making and shaping things. I'd like to finish the newbie guide I'm working on, finally make that Google spreadsheet about government spendings that I've promised, somehow get congress members (and others as well) to be more active (on the Malaysian forum and chat, too) and invest more time into setting up our ambassador network which is still only shaping up because of lack of time which I'm very sorry for.

My stances on economy, foreign policy are well known, I think and I don't want to make a shift away from our current approach. On the fields of military it would be nice to see more organization and discipline and I'm counting on Vikta on this field who has plans for this. Hopefully he'll have the time, too.😉

And once the elections are over an in-game immigration campaign and some recruiting of fresh players has to start literally right away. These have been in the planning stage for too long now.


I think most of this term was characterized by less spectacular but still important and effective work on the government's part. The only real setback was that the q3 housing company was lost because of a permanent ban. But still our construction industry is developing and our economy is getting stronger with 1-2 key investments made. And while not so long ago we were missing some basic goods from time to time nowadays we usually suffer from overproduction in several sectors. It's a problem, too but a more convenient one. Also now we have a lot stronger currency. The switch to it happened quite smoothly with minimal damages in my opinion, so it can be considered a success. My feeling is that our community also got stronger with some new folks turning up and with an increase in the number of active users.

And finally the big and quite fresh news of this term are that we are entering a new training war. Or to be more precise we are hosting it as it has been announced and discussed on our forum a few days ago. I signed the final contract only hours ago. While this definitely will be a burden on us financially it is a chance we couldn't afford to miss.

All these achievements are not mine of course but ours and I have a lot to thank to the other members of the government (Vikta, Prizma Jeno, Hireshmont Vellos, Jurkasz and Gustavius) whose help was invaluable, and also to everyone else who helped with ideas, criticism, advices or words of support.

As for members of the next government I don't plan big changes in case I'm re-elected. There might very well be fresh faces in the core team but nobody leaving from the current staff unless lack of time or interest on their part dictates otherwise.

If you are satisfied with my performance and like my plans then please feel free to vote for me!🙂

Best regards,