[Elections] In the race for presidency again

Day 561, 07:36 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Nagyzee

Hello everyone! One turbulent month has passed since the last presidential elections and I'm here again as a candidate to try my luck.🙂
As a member of the government I have to say that the last month was great but I firmly believe that we can do even better. Also by now we have essentially finished the most basic and essential projects that did cost a lot of money - these being the hospital purchase and the joining of the training war. Now is the time to discuss what to spend the rest of the money on and which path to follow.


As the state is still living mostly from donations I don't support building a strong state sector in terms of companies, only having training companies for all skills. Donations should be spent on projects that only (/mostly) make sense on the state level. This doesn't mean that the state shouldn't play a key role in the economy because it still can and will have several tools for that as a regulator and facilitator. Top priority would be building reserves in MYR and stabilizing the monetary market. Another very important step would be opening a state owned q1 housing company so that the state has a training company for all skills and can influence which skill new users choose through skill 0 job offers. Housing is one of the key sectors we should focus on. Hopefully we will get enough citizens with manufacturing and land skills through immigration while new users could be directed to housing.
If there is a demand for this from entrepreneurs I'll set up a state agency that would import raw materials for them that are missing in Malaysia as close to lowest world market prices as possible. The Dutch use this scheme successfully for example and I find it a great solution for small countries.
With the general tax levels I'm satisfied as I'm a supporter of low taxes but in the future we might think about differentiating between the sectors somewhat to channel investments to industries with bigger potential and to decrease differences in net salary between different skills. I wouldn't like to see big differences in taxation though.
Finally I'd like to see the government's actions become more transparent and better communicated. Especially as we are running on donations everybody deserves to see how his/her money is spent.


In one of my former articles I've already told how much I like the open-minded and multicultural atmosphere of eMalaysia. I'd like to see this preserved and built upon. Now we also have the basics ready for successful immigration campaigns and an economy that can probably manage a bigger influx of new Erepublik players as well. So we should finally increase our activity to another level both in in-game and outer recruitment.
We should also do everything in our power to get more citizens to become an active part of our community by joining us on the Malaysian forum, on chat and by reading and commenting our media.
It is of great importance to help newer citizens with advice (through mentoring and tutorials) and through donations if needed. The wellness program has to be continued and the state should help everyone below 40 wellness to climb back.


Here in my opinion the most important is making our citizens aware and helping them with advice about fighting and ranking up and increasing coordination and building out a working command and distribution structure for the (hopefully unlikely) case we get attacked. Altogether the state shouldn't spend much on military yet but should get things organized.
We'll also have to maintain/make at least one strong alliance every month as a safety measure.

Foreign relations

On this field I'd continue our current policy of neutrality and non-aggression.
It would also be great to kick some life into our ambassador network. As first step we should have ambassadors delegated to the biggest Erepublik nations and to our neighbours.

I think the article is already long enough so I'll finish here. I'd just like to mention that I'm very much open to public debates, teamwork, advices and criticism also. I'm not someone to hide.🙂 Hopefully you already know what I stand for and what my ideals are. If you like my program please vote for me!
I won't let you down.🙂

Best regards,