[EDEN] A REAL Official Statement About Bulgaria and Turkey

Day 1,563, 13:56 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee
From the desk of the EDEN-TERRA Supreme Commander....
Recently, there has been a false paper published by the Pro-Turkish puppet government in Greece claiming to speak on behalf of EDEN. This is false and it does not represent the viewpoint of the EDEN Alliance. I speak on behalf of EDEN, and we have expelled the Turks from our alliance. There has been no ceasefire and there are standing orders being put in place to support any Bulgarian military efforts against the Turks and to make this our first priority. Those of us here at EDEN-TERRA Unified Command fully support our Bulgarian allies, and we will never betray them for a people who are not worthy of our trust and friendship.

There are traitors that currently control several governments, with the United States and Greece being among them, who are servants of the Turks and their agenda. I cannot stress enough the mortal danger that these enemies of freedom pose to our alliance and to our ideals. It is a disgrace that there are those who wish for us to ignore the severe concerns of our true friends. This is the sort of attitude that people had before World War II and we all know how well that ended up. Siding with oppressors over free people is NEVER a good policy.

Any article or any comment written by someone else which claims that there has been some sort of mutual understanding between the Bulgarians and the Turks, and that the Turks are a fully accepted member of EDEN is misleading and has been written with the sole purpose of providing false information and for the dissemination of propaganda. Don't believe the lies. Listen to the truth.

Keep fighting for what's right!
General Cartman Lee
Supreme Commander ******
EDEN-TERRA Unified Command