[DPP] Quick Update Day 805 - Carr de Vaux for CP and others.

Day 805, 16:40 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by DAP Fund


Dear DPP members,

Few quick announcements.

1. Check out DPP cool candidate for the Country President election - none other than Carr de Vaux, the PP himself.

2. Remember to vote for him on the 5th of February. That's this Friday. Your vote is very important.

3. If you have not, subscribe to the official DPP newsletter today. We only have 78 subscribers so far, so many of you are not subscribed!:

4. The DPP homeless project is still ongoing. PLease send in your answers today (even if you have not registered to compete). 3 Houses to be given away FREE!

Bryce S
DPP Media Team
