[DPP] Congress Elections

Day 819, 19:33 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by DAP Fund

The congressional elections are once again coming up! Members of the Democratic People's Party (DPP) who support our ideals of a free market economy, multiculturalism, neutrality, fiscal responsibility, and a strong military, are invited to run under the organization of the DPP. Discussion has started regarding the upcoming elections, and can be found in the DPP private forums.

I'd like to ask everyone to do the following:

-Visit the eMalaysian forums. If you haven't registered yet, please do so. DPP members, please comment on this
thread, and any other. If you don't have access to the DPP private forums, request access.

-Finally, please subscribe to this newspaper, the Democratic People Voice.

Members hoping to run for Congress, please do the following:

-Message the party president, Bryce S, or this organization, DAP fund, containing your experiences or lack of experience, and why you want to run for congress.

-Visit the forums and comment on the February Congress Elections thread. As a side note, be sure to be active on the forums.

Thank you,
Bryce S
DPP Party President

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Democratic People's Party
DPP Private Forum
DPP Public Forum (request access to private forum)
DPP IRC Channel, #dap at irc.rizon.net
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