[DIB] Shareholder's corner

Day 864, 07:47 Published in USA USA by Donovanator's Industries/Bank

Welcome to the first article of "Shareholder's Corner."
In this article we are going to cover:
~ What's new with us (our news)
~ Next Wednesday's Dividends
~ Shareprices

$We've officially been audited. However they approved in agreement that our org value is about 60 Gold, but we'll get that taken care of shortly.
$In other news we have gotten a kick off in our stock prices at 0.25 Gold, so I congratulate you investors- we're booming fast. No high's or low's reported.
$There will be possibly, 2 small Test-run dividends will be occuring tommorrow, consider it an early present
$Rebellious Guns is looking for employees if your interested in working for yourself and your shares.

~Next Wednesday's Dividends~
It will be occuring next wednesday-duh. The dividends will be taken from a portion of the profits, but considering that this show has only started yesterday there may not be many. On the other flip of the coin, after these dividends there will be a four weeks of profit savings for dividends. On our next newspaper we will take OFFICIAL votes on what we should save up for- a company upgrade, another company, and etc. As a warmup let me ask you," What do you think we should save up for?"

~Our Stock prices~
You're not going to be able to buy our shares for 0.25 Gold- I can't say much on this topic even though I have seen many news article of inside trading, but let's just say that with the upcoming events, our shares are certainly going to be valued more. which is why I have increased the price of MY OFFERS to be DOUBLED to around 0.50 Gold (Go ahead and trade for whatever you want, it wouldn't be a market if you didn't have the liberty to do so).
Signing out,