[Deputy of MoFA]LETTER TO WIDDS (Advices From Fellow Statesmen)

Day 942, 00:51 Published in Australia Indonesia by calon rakyat jelata

Dear poor Widds,

As former statesmen, deeply experienced in handling conflicts and chaos, allow me to bestow upon you some pearls of wisdom and advices. Maybe, just maybe, if you heed them, you'd become better statesmen, for the sake of eAustralia.

Advice #1: Do not state promise you can't keep.
You said you declared war to eIndonesia? Then why not push the button? Oooh, of course, you need your allies support. Sadly, you never consulted to them beforehand, didn't ya?

Advice #2: Remember Cerb
Lunatic and individual movement like your implant-CP (hey, maybe you are implant too!) is always favorable to destruction. Remember Cerb!

Advice #3: Never count defensive victory as Utter Victory
You never even grazed eIndonesia. How come you always flaunt yourself as victorious?

Advice #4: Use your budget efficiently. 2000 gold for Liaoning? ROFLMAO
Battle of LK is a sure way to prove how you are slave of EDEN nation, and how you...

Advice #5: Never disregard your congress member. Ask for their approval in urgent matter!
disregard them and poured 2000 gold into insatiable belly of EDEN, which proved to be EPIC FAIL, and
you are now cowered and had no guts to...

Advice #6: Have integrity
Attack eIndonesia as you so flauntingly, loudly, boastfully promised the whole world.

Advice #7: Pick better cabinet
Venja made blunder and now destroyed the country's monex --> keep printing, we love your doom
CH is boisterous troll suckers --> everybody hates him and he wanna be a CP? LOL. Better EV as CP.
infin : disloyal people who only knows how to suck up vote for next term
Sir constant : where's he? I hear none from him.
Discrate1: one has to question your intelligence to ever employ this ingrate.

Advice #8: Don't be a medal hunter
Everybody now knows you are running CP not to save nation, but just for medal. Your leadership sucks and none of your deeds speak volume, except bunch of haphazzard trolling and nonsense.

Advice #9: Good luck with impeachment
Don't worry when everything falls down, you still have your medal. Your precious medal.

Advice #10: Economy is mighty important
Hey, with current economy in aussie, i wonder why no body screamed?

Advice #11: Do not fool your own people with PTO reason
Yeah, just keep saying the P-word and people be blinded. Better if you steal RBA money and run off now like Lynne. At least she had more integrity and support 😁


Angeldemon 😁