[DEFENSE] The New War Module: The Basics

Day 1,044, 06:35 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Defensie

All credits goes this time to the Under Minister for Education,Keram10 of the United Kingdom!

The much maligned rising war module was scrapped two days ago, bringing to end three months of millions of euros of wasted investor money, and the loss of half the playing population. The new eRepublik, a simpler and cheaper version of Rising is now upon us and this guide should give you a basic idea of how to fight in the new module

Buying a Weapon
weapons seem to have less of an effect on the damage you do than in Rising, meaning fighting bear handed is no longer a waste of time, although weapons will still boost your damage considerably.The admins have significantly changed the usage of weapons, with them now having a maximum durability of 10, meaning Q5 weapons should be considerably cheaper than they were in Rising, however There are now just two things to consider when buying a weapon, Fire Power and number of Durability. Unlike in Rising, where fire power determined the base damage, it appears that this is not the case in the new module, with damage levels seemingly significantly raised, doubled in some cases. Remember to select the weapon type that matches your highest military skill (in my case artillery). Be careful not too spend too much money on weapons, you need food too.

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The Battlefield
Fighting has become a lot simpler than in Rising. When you first click on a battle and join the battlefield you will be randomly assigned an opponent, although they are only really there for cosmetic reasons as you are actually hitting a wall, in a similar fashion to V1. Each battle is split into 8 sub battles, with the side getting the most influence in each 2 hour sub battle winning it. The side with the most sub battle victories after 16 hours win. The little crown icons in the corner of each sides section tells you how many mini battles they have won.

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It is pretty easy to fight, after receiving your randomly assigned opponent, you just click fight. Every time you click fight you lose 10 wellness, you can carry on fighting until you get to 20 Wellness. Sadly, you no longer receive free health kits up to 70 wellness. After each fight, you should be told your battle Influence (ie Damage) , your rank points gained and your experience points gained- two per fight.

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Recovering Wellness
There are three main ways of recovering your wellness after a battle: consuming food, using hospitals and for use only if you are really rich, health kits. Recovering wellness by eating food is very simple. All you have to do is go to the marketplace or click the buy food button on the left side of your home page.

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Once you have bought some food simply click the eat food button to eat up to 300 Wellness points of food per day. We have yet to see the new hospital system in a practical situation and the admins have said the rules may change soon. As it stands, only the defenders can receive the Wellness boost per turn that can be used up to ten times per day and is given by clicking on the hospital button in the bottom left corner,although this is subject to change. Health kits cost 0.5 gold and give you a boost of 20 wellness, meaning they are not very economical.

Happy fighting,
The Ministry of Defense

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