[DDO] day 1358: Do not fight for south NL!

Day 1,357, 07:44 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Defensie

Dear citizens,

Here are the Dutch Defense Orders:

Do not fight in rw in SouthNL. We are not allowed to take back this region, or we will be wiped from the map again!

Dutch Army (anyone with Dutch citizenship but not in the Marines or Airforce)

Fight for China against sweden.
(fight with what you have lying around)

Need an ticket to move?
(or go to #eunl on irc.rizon.net )

Dutch Navy

Korps Mariniers:

Join IRC for orders.
#Marine on irc.rizon.net

Dutch Airforce

Elite Commandos (eNL Elites):
Join IRC for orders.
#Luchtmacht on irc.rizon.net

If you lost too much health to recover it yourself, read THIS

Subscribe to this newspaper for the latest military orders!
* IRC Chat: #landmacht on irc.rizon.net
* IRC Tutorial
* eNL Forum: http://www.enetherlands.nl

On behalf of the ministry of Defense and the army staff,
Country President,

Minister of Defense
Secretary of Defense,
Dennis of Avenue

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