[Day 972] First Day of War Mod

Day 972, 14:36 Published in USA Pakistan by Joshua Patterson
14:33 eRep Time: The Washington battle isn't working for me so this is all I will have for now.
14:55 eRep Time: Added some more international battles and mostly wept for Croatia. Also, Washington is p much a loss for Russia which means Slavonia is the target in my opinion. If you can, fight in Slavonia unless you're ordered otherwise.

Due to my boredom and wanting to do something different for once, I'm going to try and show and explain the major battle that I'm looking at, it might not be the huegest battle in the day but I don't care.

To give a brief outline of my plan for these style of articles, I'll use pictures and explain what I think the tactics in the battle are, who's winning, and etc... I'll include updates throughout the battle depending of the map changes and when strategery changes.

Anyway, today is the first day of the new war module and it crashes every once in a while but it seems to be running better than I expected. Either way, time for some pictures 😁

Note: some of the pictures won't flow with the time I have due to turns, saving the picture, and me doing other stuff. If I stick with this, I'll get better at it but for now, it won't flow perfectly.



First Update




First Update

This shows the time of the picture and some of the battle statistics. As you can see, the US has an ass load of people out there. Now, onto the fun part, the map.

I need to find a way to make that bigger and I might have to custom draw them (good excuse to draw pretty colors ^-^) but this is what I will use for now. Currently, Russia is taking the southern border which can mean a few different things.

1.) Trying to surround the middle
2.) Trying to block the permanent defender spawn
3.) Being retarded

I'll explain all of them.

1.) Trying to surround the middle

In the new war module, this makes some sense, make the other guy have to fight from the middle outwards and if Russia could take the far-right, this would make sense. But since they can't, it doesn't for a few reasons. One being the US has over 600 citizens in the battle, maybe not all active but still basically "blockers". Meaning this is splitting Russia's forces more than ours.

If they could take the far-right, they would force the US to fight from the middle but even if they surround the middle, citizens can just spawn on the right and hit them from the side and cut off a group of Russians and divide and conquer with Russian efficiency.

2.) Trying to block the permanent defender spawn

Again, this doesn't make sense since the Ruskies can just be surrounded again. But if Russia had enough soldiers, they could block the right spawn and hope for people to be dumb enough to only spawn in the middle, thus creating a surround scenario due to American stupidity. They misunderestimate us.

3.) Being retarded

Currently, it doesn't seem like a good tactic and have any viable reward for following that path besides causing the actives to push outwards. And not being a major news agency, I don't feel like telling the Russians how to change their tactic to a better one.









The stats in the picture show that Servia has more people and should be dominating. But you know them crazy Croats~

Case and point:

Croatia is advancing on the Servs and has a few units five tiles away. The only problem is the 300+ Servians protecting the capital city which I'm sure will double by mysterious methods by the end of the day, not that flash is easily hackable and variables/stats are easy to find. Not at all.


All for now