[DAP] Our December presidential candidate/Calon Presiden DAP

Day 741, 21:33 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by DAP Fund
EDIT: VOTE IN THE PRIMARY NOW (Nagyzee and Fragreg have since run for nomination)

Hello, people of Malaysia,

SetsunaX's first term is coming to a close, and on December 5, you will have the option once again to determine who is to lead this country. Some very upstanding individuals in our party have already made their run out in the open, namely nicholas2000 for President, and Carr De Vaux for Vice President. If anyone else would like to run for these positions, they can do so by posting in this thread, or messaging this org. Nominations will be due at the end of day 742, after which we will vote during day 743 if there is any competition for an office. Thank you and good luck to all who decide to run!

- Badlands17, Party President of the DAP

Hello, rakyat eMalaysia,
Pada 5hb Disember ini, penggal presidensi pertama SetsunaX akan tamat dan anda akan mempunyai peluang untuk mengundi pemimpin baru negara kita. Beberapa ahli DAP yang cemerlang telah pun mengumumkan hasrat mereka untuk bertanding - nicholas2000 untuk Presiden, dan juga Carr de Vaux sebagai Naib Presiden. Sesiapa yang berminat untuk bertanding sebagai calon Presiden DAP, sila menghantar mesej kepada organisasi ini atau menjawab thread forum ini. Pencalonan akan tamat pada pengakhiran Hari 742, dan pilihanraya dalaman DAP pada Hari 743 akan menentukan calon presiden DAP. Terima kasih dan selamat bertanding kepada mereka yang terbabit.

- Badlands17, Presiden Parti DAP