[DAP] Instruction for DAP members who aspire to run for Congress

Day 790, 02:36 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by DAP Fund

Hi! If you are an aspiring politician or a seasoned politician who wish to run in the eMalaysia congressional election, I have some good news for you. DAP is now looking for congressional election candidates! If you wish to run within an organised party machinery and believe in the DAP ideals of multiculturalism, neutrality, free economy, fiscal prudence, strong military, education and welfare systems - then do the following simple steps:

►1. Message this organisation - DAP fund OR Carr de Vaux, DAP Party President, stating your interest to run for the congress election, your experiences (or inexperience), and why you are interested to be in the congress.

►2. Subscribe to the DAP newsletter and this newspaper (temporarily dap mouthpiece until i get access to the official newsletter):

►3. Log into eMalaysia forums. Create an account if you have not done so. PM me if you need help.

►4. Go to the DAP Private Forums and leave a post on the Introduction thread as well as the Jan 2009 - CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION threads.

Done! 🙂 I will come back to each one of you within 24 hours with further instructions/campaign materials. Thank you for your cooperation.

DAP Policy Statements (to be updated)
DAP also stands for liberal democracy in its true essence. We strongly support accountable, transparent and communicative government. Our members are the strongest critics of the government, even when we were part of the government. Our members are also the strongest supporters of the government in difficult moments. The patriotism of DAP members are unquestionable!

Your humble servant,
Carr de Vaux
DAP Party President

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