[Czech MoE] Průvodce pro nové a ne tak nové

4 days ago Published in Czech Republic Slovakia by Czech Ministry of Education

Welcome to the new world and to the Czech Republic.

This is the message we all receive when we are born into this new world.
Here we can see that from the beginning we are warned that we are in conflict with several countries: Germany, Poland and Spain.
In this case they are agreed battles to be able to add more fighting power, the so-called Training War (later will be explained in detail).

In this image we can see the default welcome message that the game allows and makes the government of the day.
It has several links that can be useful one of them is this guide that we are making from the journal of the Ministry of Education.

In this image we can see the default welcome message that the game allows and makes the government of the day.
It has several links that can be useful one of them is this guide that we are making from the journal of the Ministry of Education.

Having chosen the military unit we will be able to see the entire interface of the game with each of the options that we will have for the rest of our eLife.

The game

This is the basic aspect that we will have until the day we decide not to play anymore, as you can see we have multiple options that every day we will have to use and some only at certain times of the month.

In this article we are going to discuss the options of residence, companies, and training grounds.

In my places we have several options
● Residence
● Companies
● Training Grounds
● Armory
● Storage
● Manage Employees
● Advanced buildings
● Travel

In Residence we will choose where to live and when we'll want to return to our residence to not lose the bonuses with a few clicks we can do it without problems. Also here we will be able to make the change of residence to obtain certain benefits when working with our companies (Later we will detailed).


Here we will have the chance to work for our boss and make extra hours and the option to work in our own companies. (Work as manager)

With the salary of our work we can afford bread (food) that restores our energy automatically and also save money to buy more and better weapons to win battles and hero medals.

Here we can get a job.

Always depending on what country we are in.

Once we have a job, we start work clicking on the button. We can also work some extra hours and get double, triple or plus salary depending the amount of times setting by our boss (overtime work) and the amount of extra hours we have (overtime points that we got for each type of active houses).

We can also work in our companies to produce breads (food) and weapons but in this case we will have certain costs (taxes)
Working decreases our energy but give us experience points as well.

With the money we earn in addition to weapons and bread, we can save and buy raw materials companies that, by hiring employees or working ourselves, will obtain raw materials to sell or use in other types of companies (bread, weapons, houses, missiles).

In a next article we will explain each type of company and its costs in more detail.


Gaston F
Czech Republic MoE