[Cyprus-CP] IRC Operation report & Fortum

Day 2,869, 23:21 Published in Cyprus Greece by Adieu.

Kardeslerim, Kizlarim,
Adelfoi, Adelfes,
האחיות ,אָח,
Brothers, Sisters,
Frères, Soeurs,
Testvéreim , Nővéreim,
Braco, Sestre,
Monkimona xdxd, Mokimomosh xdxd,

NB: I'll make an article later to speak about our war and thank our friends.

Citizens of the Cyprus,

.: IRC Operation :.

Wednesday we organized an IRC operation on #cyprus channel.
A dozen of soldiers joined us for some fun.
There was free distribution of tanks.
And we fought hard for our friends from Spain against France.
Cyprus was another time victorious. 😃

Thanks to everyone here, it was good to have the IRC channel active again, like good old time. < 3

.: Fortum - Free distribution :.

Cypriot players, to thank you all for your effort in war,
you'll all receive an equal number of Q7 tanks (except real babies who'll receive Q6 tanks).

Please just leave a comment here to receive these tanks in time.

Tesekkürler, Euxaristw, תוֹדָה, Thanks, Merci, Köszönöm, Hvala, Monimona < 3

Finway Divi Filius~
King of Cyprus

and Please keep it up 🙂

😘 Ergenekon xdxd