[Cro]What do you think of Broatia? ....

Day 988, 11:22 Published in Croatia Belgium by shadowukcs
"What do you think of Croatia?" was the question I asked a few eAmericans 2 days ago.

These are some of the answers:

Croatians are the most awesome people in this game and I mean that seriously. No drama, no backstabbing, always there when you need them and p cool guys overall. Not helping them is like committing an eCrime.

~Julian of Albanopolis


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Blanemcc had the following to say about Croatia

I remember during the final days of WWIII in North America the vast amounts of Croatian troops that showed up to help us push Hungary out of Canada. Zdrug and their other military units were freaking everywhere. I know the rest of our allies sent a hell of a lot of troops, as we had a good turn-out from the EMC and all that, but it just felt like that wherever you looked, there was a Croatian troop there to help us out.

I think that sums up Croatia pretty well. They turn out in full force when their allies need them. Not just an isolated division or battalion, but damn near the whole population.

That's what makes Croatia truly Broatia.

I've had dealings with Croats a lot in my eLife, and it's been nothing but positive. Be it fighting in the trenches against Penix, or combating the everlasting PTO in Bosnia, Croats always show up in full force. I'm glad that its friends have finally done that for itself.


In previous battles of ours, Croatia had accumulated half the amount of damage as we did. Take into account how small their country is. They are very hard workers.


Grant Jonhson sai😛

I love them they will always throw everything into an ally countrie, its a shame we dont return the favor.

Holen expressed his warm feelings for our bro's by saying that they are:

awesome as this thing (followed by a ossim Afrosmiley)

Honestly, they have the biggest balls out of any country. They managed to stand up against multiple strong enemies, and they didn't back down. When other countries would have given in to Hungarian pressure and threats Croatia laughed. Before citizenship they were PTOed by Hungary. Did that stop them, hell no. They organized their country out of the game, paid workers via donations, handled all their money through MM exchanges, and two months later they were back without missing a step. A lesser country would have given up and rolled over, but Croatia is clearly not a lesser country.

~John Paul Jones

Icehawk sai😛

The Croatians remind me of an aggressive poker player... willing to go all in at any time to stop anyone's bluff. If they lose, they just shuffle the deck and go at it again.

Croatia is perhaps the most remarkable country in the game.

They are incredibly loyal, even when they may have legitimate cause to complain.

Unlike other countries, they don't complain-- they quietly organize, fight like hell (and it doesn't seem to matter to them whether it's for themselves or their allies... they are probably the most selfless country in the game).

They rarely seem to troll-- they let their guns talk for them.

I urge as many Americans as possible to take Croatian citizenship, vote for true Croatian candidates such as Fabius for CP, and give Croatia back to Croatians!

The bother is minimal, and we have the chance to help save an ally that has pulled our bacon out of the fire inumerable times.

It's the least we can do.

Be a good American-- by being a good Croatian!

~Jon Barack Bluejacket

eCroatians are almost too loyal. Their loyalty to their allies when they attacked all their neighbors is what enabled Phoenix to run train on them recently. I just wish the US had shown them more support instead of thinking about our own interests.
~Turd Fergusen

Croatians have shown us what it means to be an ally for as long as I have been alive. Over the next couple months, we have to show them how much we appreciate their constant support and dedication. We need to pull out all the stops and be there for them in this time of need.
~David Landon

And finally, former president Gaius Julius sai😛

I miss Mogwaii 😕 greatest person eCroatia ever produced.

In short, Croatia are our Bro's and we'll be there for you in the voting ballot guys!!!

One last time am I calling on everyone to move to Croatia, apply for citizenship tomorrow and vote Fabius!!!

Now lets shout...
Loud and proud...
Croatians IN, Servians OUT!!

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EDIT: I also added the links of the ppl who quoted in case you want to sub to their papers as well