[CP] Order Of Canada - Nominations Now Open

Day 1,585, 18:51 Published in Canada Canada by Acacia Mason

Good Evening eCanada,

One of the most pleasant and rewarding duties of being Prime Minister, is the awarding of the Order Of Canada.

This often neglected responsibility is one I take very seriously. During my first term I had the pleasure of admitting and elevating several members. This term I will do the same once again…with a twist.

The Order Of Canada is generally found on the eCan Forums and the new elevations and admissions will be placed there again. This term however, I want to open up the comments section below for readers of this paper to nominate someone for the Order. Nomination does not guarantee admission. Each nomination will be considered and admission will be granted to those deemed most worthy of the honour.

Elevations are not open for nomination. There are rarely many granted and those who are selected, are selected because of exceptional performance to the service of eCanada.

On that note, I give you the current Members, Officers, and Companions of the order, so you know who has already received this most prestigious award.

Companion of the Order of eCanada

Albert Ainstain (Deceased)

• Formed Q1 Trainer in Moving,
• Formed eCanada’s first Q4 company: Paradoxia Housing,
• Goregifts was the primary wellness supplier of the CAF during U.S. Canada war.

Mortimer Jenkins (Desceased)

• Formed eCanada’s first Q3 weapons facility, Maple Leaf Weaponry
• Established trainers in Housing, Gifts, Food and Moving industries
• Primary supplier of arms during the US Canada War

Tom Hagen

• Unparalleled commitment to the eCanadian forums and the maintenance thereof.


• Skilled and unbiased reporting on topics both national and international;
• encouragement of solid, critical reporting in new members through literary contests
• exceptional terms as Foreign Affairs and Industry Ministers

Derick Braham (Deceased)

• Exceptional action in the rebuilding of the eCanadian society as President during the month of May.
• Secured eCanada’s entry into the Mediterranean Alliance and the MPPs therein
• Rebuilt the eCanadian economy after War of Nave’s Toe, and halved the cost of CAD to Gold.
• Doubled the eCanadian gold treasury in the month of May

Det John Kimble (MIA)

• Extraordinary leadership in Health Ministry during War of Nave’s Toe
• Complete reorganization and rearmament of the Canadian Armed Forces following the War of Nave’s Toe
• Leadership of Canadian Rangers in the Czech-Hungarian War

Goran Thrax

• For providing leadership in Congress, exemplary conduct during the Hungarian PTO, and contributions to strategic Canadian government operations

Citizen B

• For extraordinary efforts towards Canadian unity, and extraordinary conduct in freeing Canadians trapped behind enemy lines

Tyler F Durden

• For outstanding and meritous conduct in freeing Canadians trapped behind enemy lines

JT Vanguard

• For continued service to Canada in the Hungarian PTO and as Congressional liaison to the Canadian Armed Forces

Gaidal Cain

• For superb strategic services, improving allied coordination, and spearheading the successful liberation of several Canadian provinces


• For her continued service as the General of the Canadian Armed Forces


• For his tireless work, effort and dedication to eCanada. The amount of effort and energy this man expended on eCanada could never be quantified. As the Director of the rising Department of National Defense, Ramizeth worked and oversaw the rise of the CAF into a modern, mobile and expeditionary force.

Chucky Norris

• For his outstanding performance as Director of Foreign Relations and revamping that department. His works and initiative had added to what was already the finest Department eCanada had. His conscious care and consideration of our international standing, which was made all the more difficult by new and ever changing policies in a new and ever changing world, make his efforts all the more commendable.


• For honouring eCanada with his service, we now honour him. For his unmatched advice and assistance, the value of which cannot be underestimated.


• Working behind the scenes more often than not, SaraDroz was eCanada's key player and agent in a great many actions and negotiations that unfolded over the past month. Her influence for and contributions to eCanada, though likely to go unnoticed or unseen by the general population, will benefit us all for a long time to come.


• For being an eCanadian media pioneer, for his work in restructuring the CAF reserves, and for his continued and unparalleled contribution to the eCanadian media scene through his work in the Writers' Guild of Canada and his ubiquitous presence in eCanadian journalism.

Marius 'Scott' Coroleone (postmortem)

• Marius, you have served Canada like no one else, you where a man that not only imposed himself as a leader in the Canadian Armed Forces but as respected figure among all others, people came to you for advice, orders but most importantly, they came to you looking for a friend that they could trust and they found one, one the was right behind them wherever and whenever they needed. Your words still inspire us today, your perseverance still drive us towards our goals, your courage in the face of illness teach us a very important lesson. For everything you have done for us and for this country, I truly believe that this medal is not enough to make others understand what you meant to this country.

Dycey Farley

• Dycey is hereby elevated to Companion Of The Order Of Canada. It is my opinion that Dycey represents everything that is great about eCanada. A military force, TCO Commander, Storied journalist, Distinguished member of my Cabinet, and last but not least, charitable with her time and her resources. Dycey represents what a well rounded eCanadian looks like. Having Dycey in my Cabinet was the hands down one of the best decisions I have ever made. I was always able to call on her for last minute secret missions to far away destinations, and her willingness to co-ordinate TCO with CAF operations was more than I could ask for. I can only hope that the rumours of her retirement from eRep are false...if they aren’t, then we will be losing one of the finest eCanadians we have ever had or ever will have.
• Dycey cares. Read her articles, talk to her on IRC, or listen to her interview with Acacia, and you'll see why she undoubtedly deserves this recognition. Dycey puts a lot of time into this game, and cares about the people. A vocal member of the Crimson Canucks, Dycey's voice is one of reason and passion, one that I hope to continue to see in eCanada's future.


• The generousity and selfless activity of Crisfire cannot be understated. He has single-handedly helped hundreds of new Canadians with gifts of food, weapons, and houses. His efforts with the DAL Charity, the eCanada Assistance Program, and his own personal charitable work is the gold standard for helping new players.

Officer of the Order of eCanada

Kommie (Deceased)

• Forged eCanada’s most successful Moving Company
• Lifelong advocate of Canadian exports
• Commitment to providing low cost, high quality food, tickets, Gifts and housing to eCanadians.

Tony Stark (Deceased)

• Drafting of the fundamental protection document between the United States and Canada: the Non-Aggression Pact.
• Doubled the price of CAD on the eCanadian marketplace to .05 CAD per Gold
• Redoubled the eCanadian treasury in the month of June.
• Successful manipulation of provincial treasury to purchase a Q1 hospital, and Q1 weapons company.

Cottus Arci

• Creation of the leading eCanadian political alternative in Canada.
• Formation of the most heated partisan debates in eCanadian political history.

Faltnor (Deceased)

• Established Federal Bipartisan Cabinet System.
• Ended War of Nave’s Toe
• Forged eCanada’s first MPP with Romania.

Kelly Mahoney

• For taking the reigns of Canada in my absence and in providing continued leadership in Canada


• For providing Canadian citizens with the means with which to resist invading forces

William Duncan

• For providing strategic and operational support for the Canadian government

Emilio Sanchez

• For tireless work on behalf of creating, expanding and maintaining the Canadian Healthcare System


• For services in Congress, Cabinet and as director of the reformed Canadian Intelligence agency and excellent work in restructuring the CAF.


• For reliable and constant provision of quality service for the government of eCanada.


• For reliable and constant provision of quality service for the government of eCanada.


• For his unprecedented willingness to rise above and beyond the call of duty and provide the logistical and material support eCanadian citizens' needed for liberating our country.


• Thank you oliver for your incredible dedication and hard work in drafting an entirely new constitution, in examining the entirety of the structure of our legal system, for prosecuting citizens and conversely defending them in front of the supreme court, with integrity, determination, and passion. You have put in as much work for this country as anyone I know, and I am proud to call you friend.

Derek Harland

• My good friend for months, Derek, you have been a great Minister of Defense for this country and a great pillar of support to me. Always helpful and willing to lend a hand, eager to learn and to get things done, regardless of what obstacles you need to overcome to succeed, you are always there in the action. Thank you.

Sara Droz

• It is difficult for me to imagine that anyone who has been active for this month being unable to tell me and this country why Sara is simply so amazing. She has been the president of several nations over her e-life and has travelled the world, always with loyalty to her friends and comrades. Sara is personally responsible for some of our greatest moments this month, in mediating diplomatic discussions between multiple countries, in informing our citizens of foreign affairs news, and the list keeps on going. Sara is always there to tell you what is what, in her own unique way. Honestly is the only way she speaks and it is a huge comfort and help to have an advisor who cares more about the country than her own position.

Acacia Mason

• Well, Acacia is one of the bigger characters in this country, and although he wasn't directly involved in cabinet, he has been a huge success in starting up eCBC Radio, and providing insightful interviews and podcasts throughout the month. Overcoming adversity, Acacia is a great example to this nation. Sure, we have had our conflicts, but in spite of that, Acacia is a great friend and mentor.


• Not the most popular guy, probably because he doesn't do much in public, I only 'met' Lucasmon a few weeks ago. Not in cabinet, not involved in government, lucasmon stepped up when the Serbs spent hundreds of gold trying to trash our monetary market. When some of the members of the economics department in cabinet were not around to help fix it, he stepped up and was a tremendous help in giving me advice, and even sacrificed some of his own money to help avert this potential disaster.

Fram 'Nea Milosu'

• I truly have saved the best for last....
I originally asked Fram to be my Chief of Staff, on the recommendations of others. I had previously talked to Fram, but not enough that I was completely confident in his ability to perform. Getting him on board was the best decision I could have made. Fram has been a workhorse all month, and he has been an incredible help in keeping cabinet accountable and on track with their responsibilities, in informing me of absolutely everything that has gone on this past month. Despite in name being 'chief of staff', Fram has worked tirelessly and accomplished far more than I expected him to. Adasko and Scrabman both had busy lives this month, and Fram stepped up essentially in the role of deputy Prime Minister, didn't ask for credit, but only the opportunity to do some more work. I am truly awed by the effort Fram has put in this month.


• Known for his strong sense of justice and his unwavering loyalty, jfstpierre has always been a dedicated member of the eCanadian society by being an active admin on this forum, a visionnary justice minister and an incredible friend. His promotion as Officer of the Order of eCanada is well deserved considering his monthly degree of activity dedicated to the well-being of the eCanadian community.


• The current director of CSIS, Eldorino has a long and varied record of stellar service to eCanada. With his most recent move to the Director’s chair of CSIS, Eldorino has once again elevated his commitment to our great nation. I am honoured to elevate his status to that of Officer Of The Order Of Canada
• For providing leadership and dedication, in both official languages, as well as serving tirelessly on IRC

Derek Harland

• Mutliple time member of various Cabinets. A former Prime Minister. A long time member of the CAF, and hands down the most friendly, polite, and down to earth eCanadian I have ever had the pleasure of speaking with. Derek has been a staple to the nation for a very long time and his record of service is above reproach. It is for these reasons that I am honoured to elevate Derek to the Officer Of The Order Of Canada
• For his steadfast service and advice; for representing all that's good and right about eCanada and eCanadians to our allies.

Ralph Kline

• One of the finest soldiers in all of eCanada. This man is a devastating force whose damages have turned the tide of battle all on his own. A true asset to Canada, one of our most experienced and strongest citizens. Ralph was the very first Canadian to reach the in-game rank of Field Marshal in December 2010.

Member of the Order of eCanada

Grapez (Deceased)

• Established governmental services of Health Canada in February. Still used to this date.

Vincent Valentine (Deceased)

• took Emergency leadership of Canadian Rangers after Kimble’s inactivity during Czech-Hungarian War.
• Lead successful private sabotage of eUSA economy during War of Nave’s Toe.

Dascoo (Deceased)

• Long term commitment to the Canadian Armed Forces.
• Successful reorganization of Recruitment activities of CAF after the War of Nave’s Toe.

Garp Bensenhaver (Deceased)

• Exceptional patriotism in a combat zone, single-handedly creating an atmosphere of despair in the eUSA during the War of Nave’s Toe through trolling efforts.

Road Block (Deceased)

• Exceptional reporting and leadership in the matters of Troll containment, and unparalleled investigative reporting.

Nefarious (Deceased)

• showing a banach-like commitment to the annunciation of truth, the calming of national fears, and unbiased reporting.

Kerozine (Deceased)

• Commitment to providing affordable and plentiful food products in a variety of Qualities for all eCanadians; and providing fair and reasonable wages in the training of new eCanadians

Trenton Rendell

• Recently Trenton opened up the eCanadian Olympics, but this means that he has been working on it for a while. This is an innovative and intelligent idea, one that requires work to accomplish, and proper advertising to make it work well. So far, it has been a success, and again I hope to see this continue over the months.


• Party President of NARC, Popandlock represents the hard work that NARC puts in to get infrastructure in Canada. Whether or not you agree with that policy, this group of eCanadians has put in a huge effort and deserves to be congratulated for it.

Craig Norman

• Craig's constant presence in the media, his dedication to writing articles for the betterment of the country, has made him a very recognizable member of the community. His contributions are undeniable and have certainly begun a helpful trend in this country.


• Not very well known outside the CAF perhaps, longshot is an incredibly helpful citizen. When the CAF was stationed in the USA, he provided jobs for countless soldiers and was always available for a quick hire/fire. His willingness to help out his fellow countrymen earns him this spot.

Billy Bob Joe

• For strategic and tactical guidence to the Government of Canada and her allies.


• For providing invaluable support in preventing the Hungarian PTO


• For continued excellence in providing economic advice and support to the Canadian government


• For services rendered to the Canadian Government, for organizing acts of economic sabotage on enemy economies and the liberation of British Columbia.


• For providing excellent communication and information to Canadians throughout the duration of the war and For his services to the eCanadian government. For replenishing eCanada's war chest. For exemplifying upright conduct and cooperation in and between the branches of government.


• For providing Canadians and Canadian companies with resources needed during the war


• For providing excellent communication at the start of the war and support to the Government


• For being the driving force behind the Government's commitment to the rule of law, with the criminal code and the new constitution.

Alias Vision

• for dedication to Canadian values in Congress and contributions to Canadian culture in the media.

Vincent Valentine

• for steady and active leadership that has sustained the Supreme Court and contributions to our culture in the Canadian media.

Alexander Rearden

• For contributions to Canadian economic management, introducing and developing the first real market strategy for the Canadian government, and for exemplary service in congress and cabinet.


• For leading the National Bank of eCanada and the finances department with utmost integrity and competence and for his true dedication as a congressman to push for more transparency.


• For incredible dedication regarding the education of new players and for keeping a respectable and troll-free IRC channel.


• For his optimal leadership with the CAF in a state of war and his great job as a supplier of the eCanadian Army.

Greg McNeish

• Greg has done a fantastic job as the current Attorney General and his past involvement in the governing of the nation as both a Congressman and a Party President, makes him an excellent choice to be recognized for this honour.


• My current MoFA. AMM has been nothing short of miraculous in his role as MoFA, I can hardly imagine getting by without him. AMM is also a ranking officer in the CAF, a member of the Board Of Education, The lead hand in the eCanadian University, Congressman, and a member of the Writers Guild Of Canada, there are many reasons to admit this talented eCanadian.

Dade Pendwyn

• A two time Prime Minister and influential eCanadian, Dade has toiled in the biggest chair in the land and his newspaper, the Conduit is a member of the Writers Guild Of Canada. It just seems wrong to me that a man who has twice served as Prime Minister, is a not a member of this illustrious order


• Lulzy, bold, creative, and the most devastating force on the battlefield that eCanada has at the moment. Despite the one blemish on this mans record, it is only appropriate that TemujinBC’s exploits as a Military wrecking ball be formally recognized. Many battles have been won and lost because of the deadly amount of damage this man inflicts. Also, as a senior member of TCO, TemujinBC has demonstrated incredible charity with other eCanadians...something I know his persona will never allow him to make public...so I will do it for him

Fox Blutch

• A two time Deputy Prime Minister, an influential francophone, and the man who kept me grounded during my term and while constructing my platform. In my mind, the dPM is the silent partner. You will not always see Fox on the front of the news or crashing parties on IRC, but his tireless work behind the scenes and his influence in the francophone community make him an incredible asset to this nation. His service in Congress is also exemplary and he is certainly deserving of this high honour.

Wilhelm Gunter

• Another quiet but influential force on the eCanadian scene. Wilhelm is a long time member of the CAF, a sitting Justice on the Supreme Court, a multiple time Privy Council member of the CPF, a 3 time Congressman, and the moral compass to any who need him. Wilhelm is someone who, Like Fox, does not make headlines. He quietly goes about his business and eCanada is all the better for him being there, silently doing his part. It is high time that this outstanding eCanadian be recognized for his work.

Damien Wolf

• One of Canada's unsung treasures. Currently at 200 days old, he's already amassed 4 SS medals, 4 BH medals, and an impressive military resume. His efforts have earned him a promotion to Executive in The Crimson Order, and his selfless donation of a large amount of gold for tanks to defend Canada in December 2010 should not be kept secret any longer.

Lavis Knight

• For the charity and work done to help less-involved players of eCanada. Expecting nothing in return, Lavis has continually helped those less fortunate them himself and ensured that everyone has a better chance at getting the help they need.

Associate Members of the Order of Canada


• Supreme Commander of EDEN, Vice President of Sweden


• President of Greece


• Romanian Minister of Defense


• President of Romania

che greco

• Greek Minister of Defense

Lucius Varenus

• United States Marine Corps Vice Commandant


• Swedish Field Marshall


• Swedish Commander


• United States Marine Corps Commandant

Leroy Combs

• American Field Marshall


• Spanish Field Marshall


• President of the United States

Eugene Harlot

• Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Gaius Julius

• President of the United States


• EDEN Military Commander


• President of Sweden


• As VP under Gaius_Julius Jewitt provided the Brolliance with endless advice and council. During crises he would help formalize our official and standard positions, including publications meant to warn and alert the general public about security threats. Jewitt was and is at the heart of the Brolliance.

Josh Frost

• For an excellent example of upright conduct, level headed thinking and commitment and dedication to doing what is truly best for one's country.

Gaius Julius (double citation)

• As Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staffs under Josh Frost, Gaius Julius and our Director of National Defense, Ramizeth, worked and coordinated together to elevate the Brolliance's military muscle. The cooperation and teamwork showed its fruits in victory after victory (actually, I don't think we have ever lost a battle we planned to win).


• For unparalled support, advice and general all-around coolness. An eRepublik player through and through, and also a Bro.


• Swedish Tank who always made himself available during the Fight against France in December, 2010. Especially during the critical battle of Ontario, but throughout the month he has been a true ally of Canada.


• For the work done as President during January and as Vice-President during February. Starting with nothing after January's theft incident, Aeriala was able to help eCanada not only recover and ensure future Presidents would have the resources needed, but also helped with the communication with other countries greatly.

So…what say you eCanada? Who would YOU nominate for Member Of The Order Of Canada?

Yours In National Unity,

Prime Minister – eCanada