[CP] I Had a Dream

Day 1,841, 11:17 Published in Canada USA by Derphoof

Mood Music

I had a dream.

I started off my presidency with high hopes, dreaming big and being ambitious. Over the course of the past two months, my vision has crumbled around me, destroyed by the Canadian public. Canada was finally going somewhere, we were on our way to glory, but you all brought it down. The renaissance of Canada was ahead, within reach, yet still unobtainable.

Canada had for so long been inept and handicapping itself along the way. I watched as we left EDEN. I saw how Terra dissolved. I watched eagerly as the USA formed CTRL. All the time, as these events unfolded, I wanted something more for Canada. In the year 2012, when nothing seemed to go right, I wanted to bring us on course. A new course.

For three years, Canada had clung to EDEN like a baby to its mother. The people would not stray too far from its gaze, lest they be uncomfortable and without guidance. Canada needed someone to hold its hand. Although nary a trouble in recent times has been given any attention by that guiding mother, we clung to it for life. We have been beaten up by various factions, and not a single care was given. What Canada doesn’t realize is that it is not that baby anymore. We’re a grown man living in that mother’s house even though they’ve ceased giving us a reason to stay. Time and time again they’ve told us “You’re on your own!” Yet, time and time again, we come back like that child we once were.

I envisioned a time when we could finally move on from that state and go to greener pastures. There was a time when I wished something more for Canada. Then I realized that this nation is a masochist by nature. It inflicts its wounds willingly on itself as though it is a drug. They do not realize that it is hurting them, for they are blinded by the pleasures it brings upon them. Yet, once they realize that it is hurting them, they’ve taken it too far and they can’t escape as it slowly kills them.

Such is the state of Canada.

Although EDEN has never focused on a Canadian battle in recent times, we keep siding with them. As nations like Belarus leave, nations like Ireland have just shown a clear consensus to leave, and the USA has signed MPPs with Bulgaria, Chile, Paraguay, while joining CoT, both presidential candidates would like to join EDEN, head on. They will tackle the frustrations of an alliance that is no longer focused on brotherhood. This is an alliance focused on pandering to its largest contributors, without fail. Its brotherhood has been lost by HQ’s who are too afraid to go against the large nations in favor of the small. Until there is an SC of EDEN who is willing to end the alienation of smaller nations, this trend will continue.

I had a dream that we could pry ourselves away from this cancerous bloc. However, no matter the treatment, the people would rather see it stay. As other nations have come to their senses, we lag behind. Unwilling and incapable of taking the leap, making the jump, and being ambitious we have become stagnant. Canada is lost to its roleplay. Canada is blind to its shortcomings. In joining EDEN, Canada will be condemning itself to slavery. I can not sit idly by and watch you all condemn yourselves to such a fate. I cannot sit by and watch yourselves pretend that you won’t feel the agony of those prior nations.

I cannot conceal myself like I have before and pretend I’m not the man I was before. I cannot lie and face my fellow men with the facade that I have put up for this past term. In knowing that the Canadian people were stubborn and unwilling, I put up a facade of supporting EDEN.

Going into this month, I had Canada in the perfect position. I had just NE’d Ireland. Canada was one step away from changing its path. The combined CP’s of CoT were voting on our membership, and not a single nation objected. Every nation in CoT would go on to approve Canada.

However, the people of Canada did not bring me to my senses, they brought me to my knees.

I did not have to seek approval from a single citizen, I could have gone on to approve everything. However, a citizenry split is inefficient and unbecoming of joining a new alliance. Members of my cabinet, MU’s, and the citizens were split. People and MUs told me that they would tank against Canada or simply not support our military actions, creating a new kind of EPC movement. Then, in the midst of that division, Canada would need 66% of citizens or Congress to approve the alliance. Again, with Canada’s history of handicapping itself, I could not rely on such an event.

“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in the stars, but in ourselves.”

Canada had systematically crushed the way to progress. They had destroyed the only way out of the trap which had for so long bound us. Canada, in electing either Foxfire or Mary, will be placing itself into EDEN, once more. They will find themselves spurned in conflict. Then the citizenry will look upon their fellow man and see the error upon which they have brought themselves. When you see nations leave, others conquered, and the bloc eventually fall, you will be wondering how you let yourselves fall so far.

We should not be settling on an alliance. We should not be afraid to do what may be hard, and what may be uncomfortable. We should have already been on our way, and achieving what is great.

I had a dream.

CP of Canada

Goodnight, and Good Luck.