[CP] First step's of strong Switzerland

Day 3,642, 14:45 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

First step this month are center's for advanced training course for our citizens. This is first step for us and our war strenght.

So we can look like this:

If you want to count on country help, please finish this research.

After completing the calculation , in new article you will get result's and how much country can help you.

Also soon will be help for our air pilot's from our country.

Like remmember:

As for the matter for young players, it will be the best to change their tacticts and start to fight in air battles. I think and i advice them is the best for them, to fight in air battles, to win bh's there, to earn more golds, which they can use for upgrade their trening centres, food storage, houses, till they don't reach some satisfactory numbers of their strength.

Again i will remmember our community players, to join our discord channel.

Best regards,
Country President
