[CP Elections] Alfagrem - External Affairs

Day 1,445, 04:34 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Grampa Alfagrem

Norway, Belgium & the Netherlands hold little intrest other then an occasional distraction for us, America and Poland are vastly superior and Ireland is nothing but a chewchew toy. Canada is our natural, natural enemy. A nation of similar size, strength, economic bonuses and geographically constrained by the presence of some big nations on her borders and it is with her in mind that my 4 external programs have been constructed.

1. Increased defense spending

Whilst Canada's 54 whiteknight campaign has so far led them to lose their rented regions, get Ireland occupied once again and isolate them from joining TEDEN battles despite having an expenditure many times greater then ours we should not take this as a natural state of affairs.

We've all laughed at Canada pouring millions into overnight battles that we have not contested and winning by large margins but we pay scant attention to those battles that we elect to contest and end up shaving home in due to extra effort of a few fighters.

This is a natural product of the effects of national defense spending and will eventually even out over time;

My proposal is to increase the spending for the low-median ranked UKers (in consulation with the Chief of Staff and Chancellor) so that the gap is closed in a shorter time-frame, the younger UKers are targetted and encouraged to play and grow and that the net damage potential of the UK increases to the point where individual efforts are no longer required to push us over the top.

2. Canuck Containment

In order to ensure that Canada remains isolated from growth, My intention is to direct the Minister of Foreign Affairs to formulate a treaty with the other non-allied states threatened by Canuck imperialism - South Korea and Japan.

Should Canada gain possesion of Alaska or Washington state and hold it from resistance forces long enough to 'NE' either of these nations - His majesty's government will declare war upon Canada and ope up a 2 front war on Canada (and you've seen how Canada manages a 2 on 1 even when one of those 2 is Ireland!)

3. The Primacy of the UKAF

The chief of staff will be responsible for or shall delegate an officer to disseminate orders, plans and to the other UK MU leaders and an IRC 'War room' shall be maintained for this purpose as well as the 'officers club' on the UK forums.

Failure by the Ministry of Defence to do so would compel an 'impeachment' vote under the 'Armed Forces Act' and the Chief or officer responsible will be removed from their postion

Failure of MU's to comply fairly with the UKAF and to defy them will result in the proposal of the 'minimum Wage Act'

Minimum Wage Act
Purpose - To enforce the Primacy of the UK's national forces

Proposal - Minimum wage within the UK shall be raised to £50

Effect - Private/Rogue MU commune's will be forced to sell +1x Q5 tank or +14 Q5 Food per worker to cover their wage costs thus decreasing the amount of supplies they are able to offer and attract new recruits with.

- UKAF Communes based in the UK whilst also effected by this levy will be 'cash-backed' by the exchequer alongst the same lines as current RM supplies are refunded thus negating the £49GBP increase.

- The rise in income tax upon the commune worker from £0.05 to £2.5 per worker will fund the increased defense spending or other social programs as directed by the chancellors budget.

4. Peace with Canada

I shall not be initiating talks with Canada.
I shall not trade UK native regions.
I shall not receive any offers that contain representations by Irish rebels.
I shall veto any proposal that would seek to overide our guarantee to Japan and South Korea.

Any offers that Canada may make that do not abrogate my above points will be passed onto the HoC with any attached logs and cabinet summary.

Alfagrem for CP - It's not bribery if you don't tell anyone else!